Difference in Farmers Thinking and Their Wish to God

Long ago, in a village, lived two farmers who were poor. Both used to live with their family and had little piece of land, on which they used to work and earn their living. Suddenly, both died at same time, on same day. Yamraj (God of Death) took them both in front of God. God … Read more

Young Man Complain to Old Woman Selling Oranges

Young Man Complain to Old Woman Selling Oranges

An old woman used to sell oranges on road side. A young man used to buy oranges from her. Whenever, young man bought oranges, he would pick one orange from oranges he bought, taste a piece of it and would say to old woman, “It doesn’t taste sweet..” Saying this, he would give that orange … Read more

Young Man Journey to Meet Sage – Problems of Others

Young Man Journey to Meet Sage - Problems of Others

Long ago, in a village lived a mother and son who were very poor. One day, mother got to know about a Sage who was very accomplished and person of great knowledge who lived far away in a forest. Mother asked his son to go to Sage and ask him, “When will these days of … Read more

Successful Life – Life Tied With Threads!!

Successful Life - Life Tied With Threads!!

Once a son asked his father, “What is successful life?” Father didn’t answer and took his son to fly kite. Father was flying kite and son was carefully watching him. After sometime, son said, “Father, because of this thread, this kite is not able to go up further, shall we break it? If we break … Read more

King Offer to Potter – Story about Happiness

King Offer to Potter - Story about Happiness

Once there was a King who had everything, a prosperous kingdom, kind wife, good children but still was sad. Once while roaming, he reached a small village where potter (a person who makes pots, dishes, etc. from baked clay) was selling pots outside the temple and at his stand, some pots were filled with water … Read more

King and Beggar Story about Giving

King and Beggar Story about Giving

A beggar woke up early to go out to beg. Before going out, he put a hand full of barley in his bag because of superstition that beggar should not keep their bags empty while going out to beg. Beggar got out of his hut thinking that, with God grace, today his bag will be … Read more

Four Women and Their Son Qualities..!

Four Women and Their Son Qualities..!

Four women came to fill water at the well of village. While they were filling water, they started talking to each other. While talking, they started extolling the qualities of their son. First woman said, “My son plays flute. He plays so well that whoever hears his flute, becomes mesmerized. I am very happy to … Read more

Price of Apples n Bananas – Finding Way to Help

Price of Apples n Bananas - Finding Way to Help

A man went to buy fruits. He asked shopkeeper, “What is price of banana and apples?” Shopkeeper replied, “Banana is 20rs/dozen and apples 100rs/kg.” At same time, a woman came to shop and said, “Bhaiya (Brother), I want a kilo of apple and a dozen banana. What is price?” Shopkeeper said, “Banana is 5rs/dozen and … Read more

Minister Reaction to his Death Sentence!

Minister Reaction to his Death Sentence!

Once King Devraj was not happy with Knowledge of his minister. So, he ordered his soldier to go to his house and give his message. It was occasion of minister’s birthday and everyone was rejoicing when soldier arrived with King’s message. Soldier said, “Today, in evening minister will be hanged.” Hearing this, all stopped. Minister’s … Read more

Message on Pole – Way to Help Old Woman

Message on Pole - Way to Help Old Woman

On the way, man saw a paper with handwritten message stuck on electric pole. Man went closer and started reading… “Yesterday my fifty rupee note fell on this road. I can’t see properly and was not able to find it, whoever finds it please deliver it..!!” was written on it and under it was written … Read more

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