Currently browsing:- Human Nature Short Stories:

Glass of Water Stress Story - Stress Management Stories

Glass of Water Stress Story

While psychologist was teaching stress management to the class. He raised a glass of water. Seeing this everyone expected that he is going to ask, “Half Empty Hal Full..!!” But instead he asked, “How Heavy is this Glass of Water?” Many called out the answer that it ranged from 8 oz. to 20 oz. Now…

Wise Poor Pandit Reply - Judging by Appearance Stories

Wise Pandit’s Reply to Householder

In a village, there lived a Pandit. Despite being well-versed in all Scriptures and knowing everything he was very poor and didn’t have a house. Even getting meals for a day was very difficult for him and his clothes were worn out. Pandit used to beg for his meals, “Please give me Alms.” by going…

Funny Husband Wife Conversations - Funny Moral Stories

Funny Husband Wife Conversations

A husband feared that his wife was not hearing well as she used to hear. He got into thinking that she might need a hearing aid but he wasn’t sure how to approach her. For suggestion he called family Doctor and told him about the situation. Doctor told him to test it by a simple…

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