Old Thief Lesson to Young Man.!

Old Thief Story - Self Awareness Lesson Taught to Young Man Short Story

Once a man was known as master thief in kingdom. He was well known and famous all over kingdom. He was so much expert that nobody had ever been able to catch him. He would always leave marks so that people would know that he had stolen from there. He had stolen even from King’s … Read more

Inspiring Story – Small Things.!

Do Good Inspiring Story - Doing Good fr People n Community Short Story

Once a woman saw that bus stop near her house had no bench. So she bought a small bench and installed it at bus stop near her house. Everyone used to ask her reason and she would reply, “It’s my neighborhood. Who better to tend it than me?” When bench was installed – mothers, kids, … Read more

Best Moral Story – Compassion (Must Read)

Best Moral Stories for Kids - Beautiful Heart Touching Motivational Stories

Story 1: Adhere to Your Own Rules.. Once a man was walking by a park and he heard a voice from nearby bushes. When he looked there, he saw that a cat was stuck there that needed help. Man tried to reach down to cat to get it out but cat got scared and started … Read more

How to Handle Provocation..!!

How to Handle Provocation Story - Best Moral Stories for Adults Better Life

Once an elephant was coming back towards it’s herd from bath in a near by river. On his way, he saw a pig walking toward him. Pig was coming from muddy waters and it was completely covered in mud. When elephant and pig were approaching each other, pig saw that elephant moved side to allow … Read more

Gossip about Priest..!!

Gossip and Its Consequences - Rumor abt Priest Story with Moral Lesson

Once upon a time, in a village lived a priest. One day while he was yawning suddenly a small feather of bird flew into his mouth and got stuck in his throat. Priest tried to spit it out and after much try it came out. Priest was surprised on seeing a Egret’s (a kind of … Read more

Thinking Wisely Stories..

Thinking Wisely Stories - Dandelions Problem Story

Story 1: Taking Care..!! Once in an acrobats show, there was a little girl and young women. They used to perform in pair. Young lady would teach tricks to girl and little girl would learn them obediently from her. In show, their act consisted of young lady balancing a pole in her hand and little … Read more

Karma Stories – Three Friends..!!

Short Stories on Karma - Greed and its Result Three Friends Moral Story

Once in a village lived three friends who were not able to earn much money so one day they decided to go to city together to earn money. On decided day all three friends came prepared for the journey to city. After walking for two days on their way to city while walking through a … Read more

Share with Others – Wise Man Orchard.!

Sharing with Others - Sharing Goodness and Happiness with Others Moral

Once a wise man bought a very big and beautiful house. This house had a huge orchard in front and it filled with trees bearing lots of fruits. Wise man was good by nature and greeted everyone with love and respect. Everyone in his neighbor liked him except one of his neighbor. This neighbor was … Read more

Retiring Carpenter Story..! Surprises in Life

Carpenter Short Story - Best Moral Short Stories about Working and Life

Once there was a carpenter who was really good at his job. He used to work very hard and build beautiful house. With time he grown old and felt that his body was not that strong as it used to be. Also he earned enough money to live a peaceful and leisure life with his … Read more

Rose and Cactus Story..!!

Rose and Cactus Story - Judging Other on Their Appearance Moral Story

Once in a forest, a beautiful red rose blossomed. When rose saw around he found that everyone was admiring it’s beauty. One of the tree said that, “I wish i as as lovely as rose..” Rose listened that and said, “I know I am the most beautiful flower in this forest.” To this another flower … Read more

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