21 Beneficial Facts about Drinking Water

21 Beneficial Facts about Drinking Water

Water makes up approximately 70% of a Human’s body weight. Bottled water in and of itself doesn’t cause the Teeth to decay but it usually doesn’t contain any Fluoride, which is added to Tap water to help prevent Tooth decay. Good Hydration can help reduce Cavities and tooth decay. Water helps produce Saliva, which keeps … Read more

18 Interesting Facts about Nails

18 Interesting Facts about Nails - Human Finger and Toe Nails Facts

Most important Function of Nails is to provide a Visual advertisement of the overall Health of a Person. Human nails are made of Keratin. It is actually a Protective protein that also makes up our Hair. However, Arrangement of Keratin molecules in Hair is completely different from arrangement of Keratin molecules in nails. This is … Read more

18 Interesting Facts about Juice

18 Interesting Facts about Fruits and Vegetable Juice

For best results, Drink juice on Empty stomach and make sure it’s as Fresh as possible. The Softer the Texture of a fruit or vegetable, the Thicker the juice Produced. Enzyme Degradation occurs almost immediately after Juicing. Therefore, storing Homemade juice longer than 24 hours is not recommended. Each half cup of fruit had about … Read more

22 Interesting Fun Facts about Exercising

22 Interesting Fun Facts about Exercising to Motivate You

People who don’t Regularly Exercise may lose up to 80% of their Muscle Strength by age 65. During Physical activity, you Breathe more to Keep Oxygen levels in your Blood at appropriate levels. People who Cross-train are Less prone to Injury than People who do the Same type of Exercise regularly. Fat and Muscle are … Read more

20 Easy to Understand Body Language Facts

20 Easy to Understand Body Language Facts to Learn

Official name for Body Language is Kinesics. Eight of the most common Lying Gestures include 1. Mouth cover; 2. Nose touch; 3. Incongruous nodding; 4. Eye rub; 5. Ear grab; 6 Neck scratch; 7. Collar pull; 8 Fingers in the mouth. Most Negative Offensive gesture is Finger pointing. Both Males and Females find people with … Read more

10 Interesting Facts about Human Heart and Brain

10 Interesting and Facinating Facts about Human Heart

10 Interesting Facts about Human Heart Heart has its own Electric Impulse, That’s why it can Continue to Beat even When separated from Body as long as it has an adequate supply of Oxygen. The Beating sound that Heart makes is caused by Opening and Closing of Valves. Laughing is Good for Heart because it … Read more

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