How do I Get Rid of Sorrow? Disciple Question to His Guru

How do I Get Rid of Sorrow Disciple Question to His Guru

Once a disciple went to his Guru and said, “Please tell me some solution to get rid of sorrow.” The disciple had asked a big question in few words – Living in a world of sorrows but also finding a way to get rid of it! Guru said, “I will answer you but before that … Read more

How to be at Peace? Seth and His Friend Conversation

How to be at Peace Seth and His Friend Conversation

There was a very Seth (rich man). One day he was sitting with his friends, when a maid came running to him and said, “Seth ji, your wife’s necklace worth nine lakh rupees is lost.” Seth replied, “It’s good.” Friend who was sitting with him thought, “What a careless man he is.” An hour passed, … Read more

Chickens in Coup or Field? Master and Disciple Story

Chickens in Coup or Field? Master and Disciple Story

A disciple approached his master and said, “What do people need to be happy?” Master asked, “What do you think?” Disciple thought for a moment and said, “I feel that if one’s basic need is being met, having food and drink, a place to live, having a good job, having security.. If a person have … Read more

Speaking Bad/ Learn to Be Happy – Short Stories

Waiting for River to Dry!! Short Stories

Story 1: Hurting Other with Bitter Words?? Once in a village lived a Seth (rich man) who used to speak abusive words in anger and his words used to hurt others a lot. In village lived a Saint. People around who used to be around Seth all the time, were fed up of his this … Read more

Camels in Saint Convoy – Problems in Life

Camels in Saint Convoy - Problems in Life

Once in a city, lived a man who was not happy with his life. He was always troubled by one or other problem. One day, a Saint convoy stopped at some distance from city. People got to know about him and started reaching him with their problems. Man also decided to visit Saint. Even after … Read more

King Offer to Potter – Story about Happiness

King Offer to Potter - Story about Happiness

Once there was a King who had everything, a prosperous kingdom, kind wife, good children but still was sad. Once while roaming, he reached a small village where potter (a person who makes pots, dishes, etc. from baked clay) was selling pots outside the temple and at his stand, some pots were filled with water … Read more

Money Equal Happiness? Reality of Life

Money Equal Happiness? Reality of Life

Once a beggar went to a farmer’s house to beg for food. While waiting for alms, beggar saw that when farmer came home, farmer’s wife washed his hands and feet, his children came to him and hugged him.. After this farmer sat down to eat food. Meanwhile, farmer’s wife came out and gave some bread … Read more

Rich Man Interview – Happiest Time of Life..!

Rich Man Interview - Happiest Time of Life..!

Once a billionaire was invited for interview. Interviewer asked, “Sir, what was the time when you felt happiest in your life?” At this billionaire replied, “I have gone through four stages of happiness in life and finally I understood the meaning of true happiness. First stage was when i accumulated wealth and resources. At this … Read more

How Can I Be Happy? Man Question to Mahatma

How Can I Be Happy - Man Question to Mahatma

Long time ago, once a man went to Mahatma (Saint) and said, “How can i be happy?” Hearing this, Mahatma asked him to come with him to forest. Man agreed. They both started walking toward forest. When they were in the forest, Mahatma asked that man to pick up a stone that was lying there. … Read more

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