Buying a Packet of Salt – Paying Neither More, Nor Less

Buying a Packet of Salt - Paying Neither More, Nor Less

Ramu was famous in entire village for his honesty and good nature. Once he invited some of his friends for dinner. His friends came early to help him to make food. While doing preparation, Ramu realized that there was no salt left to cook food. So, he called his son and giving him money, he … Read more

Old Man With Three Bundles and Young Man Story

Old Man With Three Bundles and Young Man Story

Long time ago, in a kingdom, after wandering here and there in search of work, a young man was returning home disappointed, when a voice came from behind, “Can i find any laborer here?” Young man looked back and saw an old man standing there carrying three bundles. Young man replied, “Yes! I will do … Read more

Two Most Precious Diamonds – Merchant Story

Two Most Precious Diamonds - Merchant Story

A merchant was roaming in market, there he saw a fine breed of camel. Merchant wanted to buy it. So he went to owner of camel. After a long bargain with owner of camel, merchant was able to buy camel for good price and bought it home. On reaching home, merchant called his servant and … Read more

Planting Seed – Young Executives Test Story

Planting Seed - Young Executives Test Story abt Honesty

Once a successful Business man was growing old, he knew that it was time for him to choose a successor to take over his business. In morning, he called all young executives in his company and said, “It’s time for me to step down and choose the next CEO. All of you will get chance … Read more

Best Moral Stories – Excellence in Work and Honesty Story

Sculptor Reply - Excellence in Work Inspirational Story

Story 1: Sculptor Reply..! Excellence in Work Once a man visited a temple under construction in India. There he saw a sculptor making an Idol of God. Suddenly he noticed a similar idol lying near by. Surprised he asked to sculptor, “Do you need two statues of same idol?” Without even looking up, busy with … Read more

Bhai Lalo and Malik Bhago Story

Bhai Lalo and Malik Bhago Story - Guru Nanak Dev Ji Stories in English

Guru Nanak Dev JI used to travel to a number of places. Once he was on his way to Saidpur, before he could arrive there, word spread in whole city that a holy man is going to visit. Malik Bhago who was chief of town at that time was a corrupt person and earned a … Read more

Always Speak Truth – King and Prisoner Story

Always Speak Truth Story - King and Prisoner Moral Story in English

Once a Kingdom was ruled by kind King Raja Bhanu Pratap. One day while declaring a punishment for a criminal, he thought that he should try to know more about those who were punished for some offense they done. After getting punished do they really have a feeling of remorse? Next day, king went to … Read more

Be Honest – Old Man Advice.!

Be Honest Moral Story - Never Give in to Temptations Inspirational Stories

Once an pious old man had to travel with lot of luggage by train. So, he went to ticket counter and asked for train as well as luggage ticket for his travel to another city. Seeing old man, clerk recognized him. Clerk was an old acquaintance of that old man. Clerk greeted him. While giving … Read more

Lal Bahadur Shastri ji Inspirational Story

Lal Bahadur Shashtri Story - Inspirational Stories abt Honesty of Indian Personalities

Once Shri Lal Bahadur Shashtri ji went to a textile mill and he was accompanied by owner of mill. After going around mill, Shashtri ji went to see warehouse of that mill. There he saw some sarees on display. Seeing those, Shashtri ji requested owner of mill to show him some sarees. Owner was happy … Read more

Woodcutter Honesty – Aesop Fable

Honest Woodcutter Story - Aesops Fables Classic Short Moral Stories for Kids

Once in a village lived a woodcutter. Everyday morning he would go to forest to cut trees and then in evening he would bring woods back to village in market to sell. He used to earn just enough to make a living. One day he was cutting a tree near a river. While cutting his … Read more

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