King Questions Hermit Answer

King Questions Story - Hermits Wise Answer Moral Story for Better Life

Once in a kingdom, lived a hermit in forest. Hermit was famous for his wisdom and people would come to him for help. One day, King dressed in simple clothes went to forest, to meet hermit. When King reached at hermit’s place, he saw that hermit was digging a hole in front of his hut. … Read more

Sage Advice – Hermit’s Power..!!

Moral Stories on Power and Responsibility - Never Look Down on Others

Once a hermit used to live in forest and meditated for years. With his devotion he got powers from God which he could use in the time of need. Hermit was a humble person but after he got power, he became too proud of himself. After returning from jungle he went to village. One day … Read more

Korean Stories – Tiger’s Whisker

Korean Stories in English - Tiger's Whisker Korean Fable Stories wid Moral

Once upon a time lived a couple on country side. Husband was very loving soulmate before he left for wars but ever since he returned he became very angry and unpredictable. His nature became so scary that his wife was scared to live with her. There was Hermit who used to live there and people … Read more

Judge Others / Problems in Life

Short Story about Problems in Life - Hermit Short Stories about Judging

Story 1: Spilling sand from Bucket..!! Once a monk committed grave fault. A Wise hermit was summoned to Judge him.. Hermit refused to judge but still other monks insisted him to come and judge. At last hermit agreed. On the day on judgement, he arrived on the place carrying a bucket of sand on his … Read more

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