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Finding Happiness in Little Things - Rich Lady and Psychiatrist Short Story

Finding Happiness in Little Things..!

Once a rich lady complained to his psychiatrist, “I feel like my whole life is empty and it has no meaning.” Listening to this her psychiatrist called over an old lady in his office. He then introduced that old lady to rich lady. Psychiatrist said, “She is Mary, lady who cleaned office floors. I am…

Deep Meaning Moral Stories - Saint Teaching to Student Best Short Stories

Deep Meaning – Way to Make Life Better..!!

Once a man went to saint and said, “I desire to make my life better and beautiful. Please tell me Way by which I can make my Life better.” Saint had things kept beside him. He picked up some cotton, one candle and one needle from those things and gave it to man. After giving…

Stories on Power of Words - Inspirational Stories to Encourage Others

Power of Words – Frogs in Pit..!

Once a group of frogs was traveling through woods and two of them fell into a deep pit. All other frogs gathered around and when they saw that the pit was too deep. they told those two frogs that they were as good as dead because they couldn’t get their way out of that deep…

Frog and Scorpion Story - Short Stories about True Character of Person

Scorpio’s Nature..! (Must Read)

One day a scorpion looked at his surrounding of mountains and decided that he wanted to change. So, after few days he started his journey through forest and hills and vines. He kept going until he reached a river. Scorpion saw that river was swift and wide. He couldn’t see anyway to cross that river….

Helping Other Stories - Best Generosity Stories for Kids

Three Rich Man and Their Kindness

Once upon a time there was a village which was facing great poverty. One day three rich men and their servants were traveling on the same road, on their way they came to this poor village. Seeing the poverty of village all the three men thought of helping the people of village. The first man…

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