Father Letter to Boy Traveling Alone – God is Always With Us

Father Letter to Boy Traveling Alone - Deep Meaning

In a city, lived a boy with his parents and his grandparents used to live far away in another city. Parents would take their son to his grandparents house during summer holidays, every year. They would stay there for 15-20 days and then return. Boy loved his stay there. This continued every year. With time, … Read more

Kid Innocent Prayer – Heart Warming Story

Kid Innocent Prayer - Heart Warming Story

Everyday a kid use to see his grandfather performing evening puja. Seeing his grandfather worship, kid also wanted to perform whole ritual by himself but because his grandfather used to do puja, he was not able to do that. One day his grandfather got late for puja. Seeing opportunity child himself started doing rituals to … Read more

Who is Most Powerful Person? Father Question

Who is Most Powerful Person - Father Question

Once in a city, lived a poor tailor in a small house with his only son. He had a dream that his son should study well and get a good job. So, he decided to get his son best education, no matter what their current situation is. Father worked day and night to earn money … Read more

Son Question/ Sparrow Request – Very Short Stories

Little Kid Question to Father - What is Size of God

Story 1: Little Kid Question to Father! Once a little boy asked his father: What is size of God?” His father looked up in the sky and seeing an airplane, he asked his son, “What’s size of that airplane?” Boy replied, “It is very small. I can barely see it.” After this, his father took … Read more

Message on Pole – Way to Help Old Woman

Message on Pole - Way to Help Old Woman

On the way, man saw a paper with handwritten message stuck on electric pole. Man went closer and started reading… “Yesterday my fifty rupee note fell on this road. I can’t see properly and was not able to find it, whoever finds it please deliver it..!!” was written on it and under it was written … Read more

Customer at Breakfast Shop – Owner Thinking

Breakfast Shop Owner Thinking - Heart Warming Story

There was breakfast shop near stadium. Many people would go there for breakfast. Once a customer who used to go there, noticed that a person came in when it was crowded and taking advantage of crowd, after having dinner, he left secretly without paying. Next day as person was eating, that customer secretly told owner … Read more

Person at the Door – Heart Warming Story about God

Person at the Door - Heart Warming Story about God

One morning doorbell rang. When Kamlesh opened the door, he saw an attractive stature person standing there with a sweet smile on his face. Kamlesh asked, “Who are you?” Person replied, “Well, i am one to whom you pray everyday.” Kamlesh with confused look replied, “Sorry but i don’t recognize you.” Person said, “Brother, i … Read more

Stolen Watch – Teacher Student Heart Touching Story

Stolen Watch - Teacher Student Heart Touching Story

An old man was sitting in the park. “Sir! remember me?”, asked man who came and stood beside him. Old man asked, “Who?” Man replied, “Sir, i was your student, 20 years ago.” “Oh! Son i can’t see well these days and my memory also became weak. That’s why i can’t recognize you. Come sit … Read more

Merchant and Sultan Story – Power of Father’s Blessings

Merchant and Sultan Story - Power of Father's Blessings

When time to death came near, father called his son Dhanpal and said, “Son, i do not have any wealth for you to inherit but i have worked all my life with truth and honesty. So, I can only give you my blessings. I bless you that you will live a happy life. Even dust … Read more

Father Teaches Son Way to Have Fun – Real Joy

Father Teaches Son Way to Have Fun - Real Joy

In evening, father and son went for a walk. While walking they reached near fields, where they saw that a pair of old shoes were lying on the way. Shoes looked like they probably belonged to a poor laborer working near by in the fields. Seeing them son thought and said to his father, “Why … Read more

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