Boy Who Ran Away from Home! Father Son Deep Meaning Story

Boy Who Ran Away from Home! Father Son Deep Meaning Story

After fight with his father, boy ran away from home. Day passed, months passed. One day, he fell ill. Lying alone in his place, he remembered how his father used to take care of him when he fell ill. His thought about how his father used to care for him with so much love that … Read more

Young Man Complain to Old Woman Selling Oranges

Young Man Complain to Old Woman Selling Oranges

An old woman used to sell oranges on road side. A young man used to buy oranges from her. Whenever, young man bought oranges, he would pick one orange from oranges he bought, taste a piece of it and would say to old woman, “It doesn’t taste sweet..” Saying this, he would give that orange … Read more

Young Man Idea to Load Sack – Accepting Help from Others

Young Man Idea to Load Sack - Accepting Help from Others

Farmer (middle age man) was trying to load a sack of grains on his bullock cart. But sack was so heavy that he was not able to load it on cart. Just then a young man was passing by. Young man saw him struggling and went to him and said, “I know a easier way..” … Read more

Poor Woman Response to Secretary – Believe in God

Poor Woman Response to Secretary - Believe in God

There was a poor woman who had firm believe in God. Once, poor woman and her family didn’t get any food for several days. So, she sent a message to God through radio asking him to help her. In same city, an atheist rich man heard this broadcast and thought of doing something which will … Read more

Young Man Interview – Importance of Values and Good Habits

Young Man Interview - Importance of Values and Good Habits

Young man arrived at office, for his first interview.  Young man used to live with his parents. He was frustrated with his parents nagging for every little thing he did at home. While waiting for interview, he was thinking, “Only if i succeed in today’s interview then i will say goodbye to my parents house … Read more

Sant Malukdas Story – From an Atheist to a Devotee (Must Read)

Sant Malukdas Story - From an Atheist to a Devotee

In old times, lived a Saint Malukdas, who was a karmayogi and had gained immensed knowledge from self study, Satsang and traveling. In the beginning, Saint Malukdas was an atheist. Once, a Sadhu came to his village and stayed. Sadhu used to recite Ramayana to people, every morning and evening. Villagers would visit him and … Read more

Postman and Old Woman – Heart Warming Story

Postman and Old Woman - Heart Warming Story

“Amma, your son has sent money order.”, said postman to old lady sitting outside her house. Seeing him, Amma’s eyes sparkled. She said, “Son! Let me first talk to my son..!” Amma was looking at him with hopeful eyes but postman tried to avoid it and said, “Amma, i don’t have so much time that … Read more

Woman Complain and Air-hostess Response

Woman Complain and Air-hostess Response

A very beautiful woman entered the plane and looked around in search of her seat. She found her seat was next to a person who had no hands. Woman hesitated to sit near that handicapped person. She called air-hostess and said, “I will not be able to travel comfortably in this seat.” When air-hostess asked … Read more

Divorce Lawyer and Husband Conversation..!

Divorce LawyeAr and Husband Conversation

“How many days will it is take? It been a year now..”, in some angry tone, Mohan spoke to his lawyer. Lawyer replied, “Mr. Mohan, such case take time. You are not even ready to follow my instruction anyway.. or else you and your wife Sudha would have got divorce in a jiffy.” Mohan asked, … Read more

Price of Apples n Bananas – Finding Way to Help

Price of Apples n Bananas - Finding Way to Help

A man went to buy fruits. He asked shopkeeper, “What is price of banana and apples?” Shopkeeper replied, “Banana is 20rs/dozen and apples 100rs/kg.” At same time, a woman came to shop and said, “Bhaiya (Brother), I want a kilo of apple and a dozen banana. What is price?” Shopkeeper said, “Banana is 5rs/dozen and … Read more

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