Friends Argument and Two Sack of Rice Short Story

Friends Argument and Two Sack of Rice Short Story

Once in a village lived two friends Rinku and Mohan. Both of them together bought a piece of land and decided to start farming of crops on that land. Mohan was hard working where as Rinku believed that if he would just sit and pray all day long then God will get all work done … Read more

If Man Had not Lost his Buffalo! Story about Laziness

If Man Had not Lost his Buffalo! Story about Laziness

Once upon a time, a Guru and his disciple were passing through a village. Both were very hungry. They saw a house near by and knocked on the door. A man dressed in torn clothes came out. Guru said to him, “We are very hungry. Can we have something to eat?” Man welcomed them in … Read more

Few Grains of Wheat – Rich Man Test

Few Grains of Wheat - Rich Man Test

Long ago, a rich man lived in a small village. He had four sons. With passage of time rich man grew old and thought about deciding who should be made heir of his wealth. To make this decision, he summoned four sons gave few grains of wheat to each of his son and said, “I … Read more

Rope Marks on Stone – Importance of Practice

Rope Marks on Stone - Importance of Practice

In ancient times, Children were sent to Gurukul to study. Students used to study and do small chores under their Guru’s guidance while staying in Gurukul. One boy name Varadraja was also sent to Gurukul to study. Soon, he got friendly with other students in Gurukul but he was very weak in studies. He would … Read more

Three Brothers and Scholar Story – Way to Progress

Three Brothers and Scholar Help Story - Way to Progress

Once a scholar was passing through a village where his childhood friend used to live. He decided to visit his friend’s house. When he arrived at his friend’s house, he saw that his friend was living in poverty, along with his two brothers. Scholar met his friend and after a talking for a while. He … Read more

Courtier’s Search – Secret of Work Story

Courtier Search for Secret of Work - Working with Heart Moral Story

Once upon a time, lived a King who was very kind and wise. One day, he got curious to know about his subjects work and their well being. So, one day, he called his courtiers and said, “Go, find how are people of my Kingdom living and bring me person who knows about ‘Secret of … Read more

Stories for Kids – Aesop Fables

Aesop Fables - Farmer and Golden Egg Story

Story 1: Ant and Grasshopper Story..! On a summer day, Ant was carrying corn to it’s nest. A grasshopper was hoping near by, chirping and singing to it’s heart content. Seeing ant, grasshopper said, “Why not come and chat with me instead of toiling in that way?” Ant replied, “I am helping to lay up … Read more

Hard Work and Success – Young Man Story..!!

Hardwork and Success - Kings Advisor and Young Man Motivational Story

Once upon a time in a kingdom, a King’s advisor was famous for his wisdom. One day while going to palace with one of his friend and on his way, he saw a dead mouse.. Seeing that mouse he said to his friend, “Even from such small beginnings as this dead mouse, an energetic young … Read more

Father Son Story – Treasure in Fields..!!

Hard Work Story - Farmer and Sons Encouraging Moral Stories for Kids

Once in a village lived a farmer who used to live with his two young son. Farmer was very hard working and used to work at fields where as his sons were lazy and refused to do work in fields. They would waste all day being idle. Time passed and farmer got old and weaker … Read more

Trust God – Facing Difficulties in Life..!

Short Stories about Trusting God - Motivational Encouraging Short Moral Stories

Once in a far away place lived a man who had faith in God. One night, a man was sleeping soundly. Suddenly a huge sound woke him up. When he opened his eyes, he saw that his room was filled with light. Just then God appeared before him, showed him a large rock outside his … Read more

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