Currently browsing:- Habit Stories:

Man Jumped in River to Catch! Story about Bad Habits

Man Jumped in River to Catch! Story about Bad Habits

Story 1: Man Trying to get Blanket from River! Once a man was sitting with his friends on the river bank. Just then man saw a blanket floating in the river. As soon as man saw that blanket, he jumped into the river to catch it. After a while, he felt as if that blanket…

Sadhu Holding on Tree - Story about Bad Habit

Sadhu Holding onto Tree – Story about Bad Habit

A man had habit of drinking alcohol everyday. His family used to be very upset by this habit of his. They tried many times to convince him to stop drinking and man tried to stop drinking but still failed every time. Now, whenever anyone tried to convince him to stop drinking, he would say, “I…

Saint and Young Man Story - Uprooting Bad Habit

Saint and Young Man Story – Uprooting Bad Habit

Once in a village lived a wealthy man was very worried because of bad habits of his son. He tried every way to make his son understand and leave bad habits but to no avail. One day, wealthy man got to know that a saint has come to their village. Man went to saint and…

Eagle Sitting on Branch - Story about Comfort Zone

Eagle Sitting on Branch – Story about Comfort

A long time ago, someone presented two children of an eagle, as a gift to a King. They were of very good breed, King had never seen such magnificent eagles before. King appointed an experienced man to look after them. After few months passed, King wanted to see them and reached place, where they were…

Man Searching Touchstone - Habits in Life

Man Searching Touchstone – Habits in Life

There is story that when the great library of Alexandria was burned, there was only one book left which was not burned. A poor man who could read a little, saw that book and brought it back to his home with him. On thin strip of vellum of that book was written – Secret of…

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