Put the Camel on Roof! Guru and Disciple Relation

Put the Camel on Roof! Story about Guru and Disciple Relation

A Guru had two disciples. One was named Gora and other was named Kala. Guru was more attached to Kala. A person who used to visit Guru ji regularly for his blessing, asked him, “Guru ji, Gora does all the work in ashram. Yet you give so much importance to Kala, why?” Guru said, “Tomorrow … Read more

Two Boats and Temple on Other Side – Guru Disciple Story

Two Boats and Temple on Other Side - Guru Disciple Story

Once a Guru was telling his disciple a story. Story: There were a village on one side of river and a great and huge temple on other side of river. One day two friends Manu and Raja decided to visit temple. One of those friend Raja was very arrogant and other one Manu was humble … Read more

Guru’s Reward for Boy – Deep Meaning Story

Guru's Reward for Boy - Deep Meaning Story

Once a man bought a diamond to a King and said, “Maharaj! I want to sell this diamond.” King asked, “What’s price?” Man said, “Maharaj! Whatever you think is right price for this diamond.” King consulted ministers and jewelers about diamond price but no one could decide on value of diamond as it was a … Read more

Disciple Question to Saint – How You Remain Calm All the Time?

Disciple Question to Saint - How You Remain Calm All the Time

Once upon a time, a saint was sitting in his ashram. He had a disciple who used to get angry at little things. One day disciple came to him and said, “Guru ji, you meet everyone with love neither do you get angry at anyone, how? Please tell me what is secret to this?” Saint … Read more

How do I Get Rid of Sorrow? Disciple Question to His Guru

How do I Get Rid of Sorrow Disciple Question to His Guru

Once a disciple went to his Guru and said, “Please tell me some solution to get rid of sorrow.” The disciple had asked a big question in few words – Living in a world of sorrows but also finding a way to get rid of it! Guru said, “I will answer you but before that … Read more

Who Will Eat Bread Among Three? Guru Ji Instruction

Who Will Eat Bread Among Three Guru Ji Instruction

Three person were returning after receiving initiation from their Guru. Their Guru ji had taught them to have practical along with spiritual knowledge. On their way, they were discussing various scriptures and puranas. After walking for long time, they stopped at place for rest. When they stopped for rest, they opened their bag for food … Read more

Flow of Thoughts – Guru Disciple Story

Flow of Thoughts - Guru Disciple Story

Once disciple went to his Guru and said, “My thoughts are bothering me a lot. Please help me.” Next day, Guru took his disciple to a field where a farmer was taking water from a flowing canal to the field by making a path from that canal towards field. Guru showed that scene to his … Read more

Disciple Question – What is this World in Your Eyes?

Disciple Question - What is this World in Your Eyes

One day a disciple asked his Guru, “Gurudev, What is this world in your eyes?” To answer this, His Guru narrated a story. Once in a city, there was a glass palace. In that palace there were hundreds of mirrors fixed on every wall. One day, an angry dog entered that palace. Inside, he saw … Read more

Quality of Bamboo – Saint Teaching to Disciple

Quality of Bamboo - Saint Teaching to Disciple

A Saint was going into forest with his disciple. While passing through a slope, disciple foot slipped and he started slipping downwards rapidly. He was about to fall into a ditch, when suddenly he caught on to a bamboo plant firmly. Because of that he was saved from falling into ditch. Bamboo which disciple was … Read more

Be Good to Others!! Short Stories with Life Lesson

Echo in Hills - Short Stories with Life Lesson

Story 1: Man Complain – Everyone is Mean!! A man went to his Guru and said, “Guru ji, my wife children, relatives and people from work, Everyone is mean. What should i do?” Listening to this, Guru ji smiled and told him a story. He said, “Once in a village, there was a specials room … Read more

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