Scary Story – Wrong Suggestion..!

Scary Stories for Adults - Think Before You Give Wrong Suggestion Disturbing Story

Once in a town lived a man and his wife. Man had really bad temper and used to beat his wife. Unfortunately one day even though he didn’t wanted to kill her, wife succumbed to his beating and died. When he realized what happened he became fearful of wife’s relatives and thought of consequences. Just … Read more

Gossip about Priest..!!

Gossip and Its Consequences - Rumor abt Priest Story with Moral Lesson

Once upon a time, in a village lived a priest. One day while he was yawning suddenly a small feather of bird flew into his mouth and got stuck in his throat. Priest tried to spit it out and after much try it came out. Priest was surprised on seeing a Egret’s (a kind of … Read more

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