Three Friends Desire n Dilemma – Saint Suggestion

Friends Desire n Dilemma - Saint Suggestion abt Bhandara

Once three friends were having food at a Bhandara (free meal served to the people). While eating there.. First friend said, “I wish, to be able to organize such a Bhandara.” Second friend said, “Yes.. but even before we get our salary, there are long list of bill pending needed to be paid.. how can … Read more

Rich Man Bad Habit and His Servant Story

Rich Man Bad Habit and His Servant Cucumber Story

Once in a village lived a rich man who had a bad habit of cursing God whenever something bad happened to him. He had a servant working for him. Rich man was happy with his servant work and treated him good. One day, when rich man was eating a cucumber, incidentally it tasted bitter. So … Read more

Two Friends Conflict – Short Moral Story for Kids

Two Friends Conflict - Short Moral Story for Kids

Once in a village lived two friends Nakul and Soham. Soham was very hard working where as Nakul was religious and used to prayer all day and believed that he didn’t have to do anything because all will be done by God. One day, they both bought a piece of land for farming. Soham used … Read more

How does a person become GREAT? Inspiring

How does a person become GREAT? Inspiring

One day, a little boy asked his father, “What does word Great means?” Boy said, “I have read many time that this person is great, he did this and that. Please explain me who are these great people and how they become great?” Father said, “Okay.” Father thought of a idea to teach his son … Read more

Order What you can Consume – Life Lesson

Money is Your but Resource is of Society - Life Lesson

Germany is a highly industrialized country. In such a country, many will think its people lead a luxurious life. Once a group of men, colleagues from a company arrived at Hamburg, Germany. When they arrived they were all hungry, so they all looked for a near by restaurant. It was on walking distance. They walked … Read more

Farmer Digging Well..!!

Farmer Digging Well Story - Encouraging Moral Story for Kids

Once in a village, lived a young farmer named Shyamlal. He once set out to dig a well enthusiastically. He selected a good spot and cheerfully set to work. After digging 25 feet, he saw no sign of water. He got tired and  decided to rest for a while and then continue. Just then another … Read more

Benefits of Helping Others..!

Helping Stories with Moral - Benefits n Goodness of Helping Others Stories

Story 1: Helping Others..! Once in a village lived a boy name Shiva. He belonged to a poor family and to help his family he would go to forest to get some wood to sell in market and earn some money. One day while returning from forest he saw an old man. When asked man … Read more

Way to be Happy Always

How to be Happy Always - How to Make Peace with Yourself Short Story

In a small village lived a man name Ram who was kind and always happy. He used to smile always and had kind and encouraging words to say, whenever it was necessary. Everyone who met him, left feeling better and happier and elated. One of his neighbor always saw him. He saw that lots of … Read more

Always Speak Truth – King and Prisoner Story

Always Speak Truth Story - King and Prisoner Moral Story in English

Once a Kingdom was ruled by kind King Raja Bhanu Pratap. One day while declaring a punishment for a criminal, he thought that he should try to know more about those who were punished for some offense they done. After getting punished do they really have a feeling of remorse? Next day, king went to … Read more

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