Young Man Question – Does Attending Satsang Bring Change?

Young Man Question - Does Attending Satsang Bring Change

Every evening, there was a crowd of devotees in the ashram of saint because his discourse (satsang) gave the right direction and understanding of life. A young man used to listen to his satsang everyday. One day when satsang was over, he went to saint and said, “Maharaj! I have been listening to your Satsang … Read more

Having True Faith in God! Narad Ji and Two Devotees Story

Having True Faith in God! Narad Ji and Two Devotees Story

Once Narad ji came to earth, while roaming around he meet two devotees, one was scholar who had knowledge about God and other was cobbler. When Narad ji reached Vaikuntha, curious he asked about time of those two to return to God head. God said, “Cobbler will come to me after this birth only but … Read more

Man Question to Buddha – Why There is No Change in Me?

Man Question to Buddha - Why Still There is No Change in Me

Buddha used to give discourse on river bank. Many people used to come to listen to him. Everyone listened to him very attentively. A person used to come daily from far away to listen to Buddha’s discourse. One day, after discourse ended, he went to Buddha and said, “I listen to your teachings everyday but … Read more

Young Man Idea to Load Sack – Accepting Help from Others

Young Man Idea to Load Sack - Accepting Help from Others

Farmer (middle age man) was trying to load a sack of grains on his bullock cart. But sack was so heavy that he was not able to load it on cart. Just then a young man was passing by. Young man saw him struggling and went to him and said, “I know a easier way..” … Read more

Two Thirsty Travelers and Well Story

Two Thirsty Travelers and Well Story

Once a master had a disciple. After sometime, another disciple joined. Other disciple learned much more than first disciple in little time. First disciple noticed that and felt neglected. One day first disciple went to his master and said, “I have been studying with you since before that boy came and still you taught him … Read more

Monk Offer to Sailor! Story to Make You Think

Monk Offer to Sailor! Story to Make You Think

Everyday a sailor used to take a monk from one side of river to another side. He would not take anything in return. Sailor was not well educated but there was no lack of understanding. On way, monk used to talk about his knowledge with sailor, sometimes telling him about omnipresence of God, sometimes he … Read more

Two Babies Conversation – Does God Exist?

Two Babies Conversation - Does God Exist

Once two people were talking about God, if God exist. One said, “There is no God.” Second replied, “OK. I will tell you a short story. Then think for yourself.” Second person continued, “In a mother’s womb were two babies talking to each other. First questioned to other – Do you believe in life after … Read more

Little Girl Donation to Saint – Story about Giving

Little Girl Donation to Saint - Story about Giving

Once a saint was going home to home asking for alms. He knocked on a door and called out, “Bhiksham Dehi (Give me alms).” A little girl came out of house and sadly said, “Baba, we are poor, we have nothing to give you.” Saint smiled and said, “Do not refuse daughter. If you don’t … Read more

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