Zen Teaching – Good Reflect Back..!!

Zen Teachings Stories - Always Think Good n Do Good Motivational Story

Once a grocer got distressed at his work. So he went to his master and told him about reason for his distress. He said to master, “A large chain store had opened across the way and it would drive me out of business. My family had been running this shop for centuries and i don’t … Read more

Priest Good Deed Reward – Krishna Arjuna Story

Krishna Arjun Stories - Motivational Stories Abt Importance of Doing Good Deed

Once upon a time, Krishna and Arjun went out for stroll. On their way they saw a poor priest begging for alms. Arjun felt pity for him and gave him a bag full of Gold coins. Priest thanked Arjun and started to walk back his home. On his way he saw a needy person but … Read more

Judging Other’s – Train Journey.!

Short Moral Stories for Adults - Learning from Kids Short Stories for Adults

Seema boarded on train with her 5yr old daughter. It was her first travel through train. Train was very crowded and it was very difficult to even pass through lanes between seats. Seema clutched hands of her daughter fearing that crowd could pull her daughter away. When train started to move a snack vendor came … Read more

Share with Others – Wise Man Orchard.!

Sharing with Others - Sharing Goodness and Happiness with Others Moral

Once a wise man bought a very big and beautiful house. This house had a huge orchard in front and it filled with trees bearing lots of fruits. Wise man was good by nature and greeted everyone with love and respect. Everyone in his neighbor liked him except one of his neighbor. This neighbor was … Read more

Guru Nanak Dev Ji Story – True Profit

Stories of Guru Nanak Dev Ji - True Inspiring Stories about Doing Good

Guru Nanaki ji father knew that Nanak ji like to communicate with people. So he decided that if Nanak ji was to learn anyway to earn money, it can be done through trading. So one day, Guru Nanak’s father gave Bhai Bala twenty rupees and said, “Go with Nanak and buy some good from market … Read more

Beautiful Flowers on Other Side..! Moral Story

Doing Good Moral Stories - Beautiful Flowers Stories to Learn Life Lesson

Once a young girl was very fond of gardening. She used to love flowers and had maintained herself a very beautiful garden. One day while looking through a flower catalogue, she found a very beautiful flower. She thought to herself, “I want to have it in my garden.” She looked through the details of flower … Read more

Good Deeds Never Go Unrewarded..

The Good Deed Moral Lesson - Good Deeds Never Go in Vain Short Story

Once in a far away village, lived a young boy who used to live with his step-family. There was scarcity of water in the village so people had to go stream of water at end of village to fetch water. Young boy used to wake up early in morning to get water from the stream … Read more