Sincere Prayer – Disciple Question to Saint Ramdas

Sincere Prayer - Disciple Question to Saint Ramdas

When Saint Ramdas prayed, his lips never moved. One of his disciple noticed it and got curious. So, one day his disciple went to him and asked, “When we pray, lips move. Your lips don’t move. You stand like a stone idol. Usually, if you say something internally, even then there is a slight vibration … Read more

Question about God – Saint and Disciple Story

Question about God - Saint and Disciple Story

Once a Saint was giving a discourse of knowledge and devotion to his disciples. A disciple sitting in the audience, stood up and asked, “We are told that God is present everywhere but if it is so then why is he never visible to us. How can we believe that he is really around us? … Read more

Two Bundles on Shoulder – Man and God Story

Two Bundles on Shoulder - Man n God Story

When God created man, he gave him two bundles. God told man to keep one bundle on the front and other one on the back behind on his shoulder. Man left with bags kept the way God said. God had kept man’s own shortcoming in one bundle and shortcoming of other’s (world) in the other … Read more

God Offer and Farmers Wish – Be Grateful

God Offer and Farmers Wish - Be Grateful

In old times, two farmers lived in a village and both of them were very poor. They had little land to work on and worked hard in it to take care of their own and their family needs. Suddenly after sometime, both of them died on same day. Yamraj (God of Death) took both of … Read more

Why do We Offer Food to God? Saint Answer

Why do We Offer Food to God - Saint Answer

Once a person asked Jagat Guru Shankaracharya, “Why do we offer food to God? Does God eat from whatever we offer? Does any change occur to food after we offer it to God? Is there any change in color, taste or quantity of food we offer?” If not, why do we do this? Isn’t this … Read more

Gold Coins Division – Different Perspective

Gold Coin Division - Our Perspective vs God's Deep Meaning

Once two men were talking sitting near a temple. After sometime a man came there, sat with them and started talking. Few minutes later that man said, “I am feeling hungry.” Listening to this two men also started feeling hungry. First man said that he have 3 chapatti and second man said he have 5 … Read more

King and Two Beggars Story – Ask God

King and Two Beggars Story - Ask God

A King, whenever went to temple, would see two beggars sitting at temple entrance. One beggar used to sit on left and other on right side. Seeing King, beggar on right would say, “O God, you have given a lot to the King, give it to me too!” Where as Beggar on left would say, … Read more

Priest Rescue Story – God’s Ways to Help

Priest Rescue Story - God's Ways to Help

Long ago, there was a small village by the river. Everyone lived happily and would regularly go to temple to pray. Once during monsoon season, it rained heavily and because of this river started overflowing, flood entered village. Knowing this everyone started to evacuate village, to go to a safe place. One man ran to … Read more

Old Sage Reply to Lazy Man – Understanding God’s Sign

Old Sage Reply to Lazy Man - Understanding God Sign

Once upon a time, in a village lived a lazy man who didn’t like to work and would always look for an easier way to feed himself. One day, while searching for his food, he saw a fruit farm. He looked around and didn’t see anyone guarding that farm, so he decided to steal some … Read more

If God Exist – Why is there Pain and Suffering?

If God Exist Why there is Pain and Suffering Interesing Conversation

Once a man went to his barber’s shop. Barber and man often used to talk about various topics like politics, sports etc. Today, they started to talk about existence of God. Barber said, “I don’t believe in God’s existence.” Man asked, “Why?” Barber said, “Just look down the street and you will understand that there … Read more