Two Beautiful Short Stories about Life..!!

Heart Touching Stories - Short Moral Stories to Learn about Joy of Giving

Story 1: Rich Lady and Little Kid..!! On a very cold day, a little boy was standing outside a shoe store, barefooted.. He was shivering with cold and was looking through window at the shoes. A rich lady came out of that store. While waiting for ride she saw that little boy. She approached him … Read more

Donation Story – Saint Wisdom

The Saint Wisdom Story - Never Judge Anyone Best Moral Stories Share

It’s story of a boy who has just finished his college and hadn’t had got any job yet and was living in a small rented room. One day his cousin came to him and asked him to help with some concepts. Boy had good hold of knowledge over that subject so boy helped his cousin … Read more

Three Rich Man and Their Kindness

Helping Other Stories - Best Generosity Stories for Kids

Once upon a time there was a village which was facing great poverty. One day three rich men and their servants were traveling on the same road, on their way they came to this poor village. Seeing the poverty of village all the three men thought of helping the people of village. The first man … Read more

Little Boy Ice Cream Tip Story – Heart Touching

Little Boy Ice Cream Tip Story - Heart Touching

A 9 year old boy went to an Ice cream shop. There he sat on table and waiter came. Waiter: What do you want?? Boy: Can you tell me how much an ice cream cone cost?? Waiter: Rs 15/- After knowing rate boy checked his pocket for money. After checking it he asked waiter for … Read more

Glass of Milk Short Story

Glass of Milk Short Story - Very Inpirational Stories for Kids

There was a poor boy who made a living with selling various objects door to door, to pay for his school. He was very hungry and felt he couldn’t walk even a few steps. He decided to ask for food at a house. He knocked the door and was stunned to see a beautiful young … Read more

Precious Coin And Generosity

Precious Coin And Generosity Gandhiji Life Short Story

Mahatma Gandhi was on expedition to collect funds for sangh. He went to various cities and villages for his Charkha sangh. During his expedition he reached orissa and had organized a meeting there. He gave a speech and requested people to offer funds for sangh. After the speech, A very old lady wearing faltered cloths, … Read more

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