Father Son Stuck on Deserted Island – Their Prayer to God

Father Son Stuck on Deserted Island - Their Prayer to God

Once a father and son were travelling by sea and in middle of their journey, they lost their way. Their boat took them to a island where there was no one. After reaching that island their boat broke down. To look for help, they both decided to stay on opposite side of island. Before leaving … Read more

Young Man Interview – Appreciating Parents Efforts

Young Man Interview - Appreciating Parents Efforts Inspiring

Once a young man went to apply for a managerial position in a big company. He passed written exam as well as initial interview. Now, he had to go for final interview for which he had to face an interview with Director of company. Director discovered from young man’s CV that his academic achievements were … Read more

Little Girl’s Gift to Dad

Daughter Gift to Dad Story - Heart Touching Father Daughter Short Story

Once a little girl bought a small gift for her father. When she came home, she looked for wrapping paper and then wrapped it up good to gift it to her father. At night when father came home, she happily came to him and presented that small wrapped gift to her father. When father saw … Read more

Family Tradition – Baking Fish..!

Family Traditions Stories - Little Girl Question Short Story to Learn abt Life

Once a little girl was sitting in kitchen watching her mother preparing fish for lunch. She saw that her mother took the fish and cut it’s head and tail before placing it into a baking pan. Little girl was curious to see this. She questioned her mother, “Ma, why did you cut the head and … Read more

Father Son Story – Earning Money

Moral Lesson Stories - Father Son Valuable Lesson for Life Moral Story

Once in a city lived a very successful businessman. His only son who was still a young boy was lazy and fun loving. His son used to spend money with free hands and never even did any help in any work at home. Businessman wanted his son to learn about value of labor. So one … Read more

Ultimate Sacrifice – Sad Story

Ultimate Sacrifice Stories - Heart Touching Sad Stories of Father and Son

Once there was a switch-man who used to operate the controls of a bridge for ships and trains to pass by sitting in a small booth on one side of river. During most of day bridge was running up and down to make way for ships to pass through freely. But at certain time, a … Read more

Two Brothers Story – Heart Touching

Short Stories about Brothers - Heart Touching Inspirational Family Stories

Once in a village lived two brothers who inherited their father’s land. Land was divided between two of them equally and now both of them had separate area for farming. As time passed, Older brother got married, had children while younger brother never got married and was still single. One night younger brother thought to … Read more

Farmer and Daughters Story

Farmer and Daughter Story - Best Stories About Trust and Believe in God

Once in village lived a farmer who had two daughters. Farmer’s elder daughter was married to a farmer and younger one was married to a potter. After their marriage he used to visit his daughters to know their well-being. During one of his visit to his elder daughter. Farmer’s elder daughter requested him to pray … Read more

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