What is Beyond Wealth? Woodcutter and Fakir Story

What is Beyond Wealth Woodcutter and Fakir Story

A fakir used to meditate under a tree near forest. There he used to see a woodcutter everyday. Woodcutter looked weak and poor. So, one day, he called woodcutter and asked him, “Brother, you cut wood all day. Are you able to earn enough?” Woodcutter sadly replied, “I can’t even manage to get two meals … Read more

Fakir Begging Bowl and Thief Story

Fakir Stories - Golden Begging Bowl and Thief Englightenment Moral Story

Once in Bharat, lived a naked fakir, Nagarjuna. he was famous and loved by all. Queen who ruled at that time, also admired and respected him a lot. One day she asked him to come to palace, to be guest. Fakir went. When he came, Queen asked him for favor. When Fakir met Queen, he … Read more

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