Currently browsing:- Fables Moral Stories:

Frog and Scorpion Story - Short Stories about True Character of Person

Scorpio’s Nature..! (Must Read)

One day a scorpion looked at his surrounding of mountains and decided that he wanted to change. So, after few days he started his journey through forest and hills and vines. He kept going until he reached a river. Scorpion saw that river was swift and wide. He couldn’t see anyway to cross that river….

Story of Fisherman and King's Guard - Wise man Stories

Story of Fisherman and King’s Guard

Once there was a king who wanted to give a great feast to his guests, He got all kind of dishes prepared for them but cooks were not having fish to cook. So, he offered a reward to anyone who can get fishes before feast. After knowing about the announcement, a fisher man bought the…

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