Age Written on Stones – Deep Meaning Story for Spiritual Growth

Age Written on Stones - Deep Meaning Story for Spiritual Growth

Once a man went to a village.  After entering village, On his way, he saw a cremation ground. There he saw stones with people name and age written on them. When he read them, he found that age of people who died was written on stones in the cremation ground as 5 years, 8, years, … Read more

How to Attain Self Realization? Guru Answer

How to Attain Self Realization? Guru Answer

It was early in the morning. In the Gurukul, Guru ji was teaching his disciples about “Soul”. Explaining about the soul, Guru Ji explained a verse from Bhagavad Gita: No weapon can pierce the soul, no fire can burn it, no water can melt it and no wind can dry it. This soul can never … Read more

Knowledge vs Knowing – Ouspensky and Gurdjieff

Knowledge vs Knowing - Ouspensky and Gurdjieff Story

Ouspensky was marvelous thinker from Russia who was very famous for books he had written. Once Osupensky visited Gurdjieff who was a saint and said to him, “I want to put some question to you.” Gurdjieff handed him a blank piece of paper and said, “Before we talk, i want you to write down all … Read more

Buddha Condition for Woman – Mustard Seeds Story

Buddha Condition for Woman - Mustard Seeds Story

Once a woman’s only little child died. She got almost insane and went around with her child body asking people, “Is there any physician anywhere who can make my child alive again? Please tell me.!” It happened that Buddha was coming to town, one of villager said to her, “I don’t know any physician but … Read more

Farmer Digging Wells – Rumi and His Disciples Story

Farmer Digging Wells - Rumi and His Disciples Story

Once Jalaluddin Rumi took all his disciples to a field. Disciples thought, “What message is he going to give us at that faraway field? Why can’t he say it here?” When they reached field, they saw that a farmer was digging a well in his field and he had already dug eight incomplete wells. He … Read more

Angel’s Gift of Miracle to Saint – The Holy Shadow..!

Angel's Gift of Miracle to Saint - The Holy Shadow

Once lived a saint so good that angels came to earth. Angels saw that saint whole day could be summed up by two words – He Gave, He Forgave yet these words never passed his lips. These words were expressed in his smile, his kindness, forbearance and charity. Angel went back and told God about … Read more

Young Man Search for Perfect Master..!

Young Man Search for Perfect Master - Life Lesson Zen Stories

Long ago, a man went in search of Master. He was determined to find Master for himself, and for that he was even ready to go around world. When he began his journey, just outside his village, he saw an old man who was sitting under a tree. Man went to him and said, “You … Read more

Angulimala Enlightenment Story – Buddha Teaching

Angulimala Enlightenment Story - Buddha Teaching

Long ago, there was man who was a mad murderer. He had taken vow that he would kill one thousand people. Because society hadn’t treated him well, He had decided to take revenge on society by killing one thousand man and from every person killed he would take one finger and make a rosary around … Read more

Young Man Enlightenment Story

Young Man Enlightenment and Change Stories - Master Teaching Story

Once a young man belonging to a very rich and aristocratic family, came to Zen master. Young man told Master that he had known everything and indulged in every desire but then he got fed up with everything – fed up with women, wine, money. He said to Master, “Now, i am fed up with … Read more

Bodhidharma and Emperor Story

Bodhidharma Story - Emperor Awakening Story Zen Teaching Stories

Once Bodhidharma decided to visit China. His fame had reached before him. Chinese Emperor himself came to receive Bodhidharma. Emperor had come from far away, from his capital in center to border of China, to receive Bodhidharma. Bodhidharma when reached, he was carrying one shoe on his head and one was on his foot, this … Read more

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