Arrogant Elephant and Ant Revenge Story

Arrogant Elephant and Ant Revenge Story

An elephant lived in a forest who was very proud of his strength. He would destroy nest of birds or uproot the entire tree. Sometimes he used to pick monkeys and thrash them and sometimes would trample rabbits under his feet. All animals were upset with him but could not do anything in front of … Read more

Elephant Tied by Rope! Trapped in a Mindset

Elephant Tied by Rope! Trapped in a Mindset

One day a man went to see circus. After show was over, while leaving, he passed by enclosure of elephants. Man thought that because elephant was such giant animal, it must be kept locked in big cage but scene was completely opposite. There he saw that elephant was kept only by tying a rope to … Read more

Who is Superior? Elephant and Monkey Story

Who is Superior - Elephant and Monkey Story

Once in a forest, lived an elephant and a monkey who were too proud of their own qualities and both considered themselves superior to other. They would often quarrel about it. An owl used to see them and was fed of their such fights. So one day, owl said to them, “I have been watching … Read more

Tailor’s Son Wrong Doing to Elephant!!

Tailor's Son Wrong Doing to Elephant!!

Once in a village, lived a good nature, kind and friendly tailor. All villagers would come to him to get their clothes stitched. One day, an elephant came to tailor’s shop. Seeing him, tailor understood that elephant was hungry, so he fed him banana. From that day on wards, elephant started coming to tailor’s shop … Read more

Elephant Trapped in Muddy Pond – Buddha’s Help

Elephant Trapped in Muddy Pond - Buddha's Help

A King had many elephants. One of them was very powerful, obedient and skilled in fighting. He went with King in many wars and was King’s favorite. As time passed, elephant got old and King cared for him and would not take him to war with him anymore. One day, elephant went to near by … Read more

Big Elephant and Little Mouse – Be Kind Panchtantra Story

Big Elephant and Little Mouse Story - Be Kind Moral Panchtantra Story

Long ago, a city turned into ruins and its resident moved to far away towns. So mice decided to stay in that city as there was enough supply of food for mice. Slowly, mice grew in numbers and entire city was turned into city of mice. Far away from city was a very dense forest … Read more

Pup Curiosity and Elephant Friends – Short Stories

Curious Little Pup - Always Listen to Your Parents Advise

Story 1: Curious Little Pup – Listen to Parents Advice A Mother dog and her pups used to live on a farm. On farm, there was a well. Mother would always tell her pups to stay away from well and never to go near or play around it. One day, one of her pup got … Read more

Moral Stories for Kids

Moral Stories for Kids - Always Keep Good Company

Story 1: Farmer and Stork..!! Once in a field, farmer saw that cranes were destroying his newly sown corn. So he planned to catch those birds. Next evening he set a net in his fields to catch those destructive birds. Next morning when he went to his field to check if his plan worked. He … Read more

How to Handle Provocation..!!

How to Handle Provocation Story - Best Moral Stories for Adults Better Life

Once an elephant was coming back towards it’s herd from bath in a near by river. On his way, he saw a pig walking toward him. Pig was coming from muddy waters and it was completely covered in mud. When elephant and pig were approaching each other, pig saw that elephant moved side to allow … Read more

Unity is Strength – Sparrow’s Revenge..!!

Unity is Strength Story - Results can be Achieved if Worked Together Story

Once in a forest, a sparrow had nest on a tree where she laid her eggs. She was expecting her newborns to come out of egg soon. But one day, an elephant went berserk and went on to crush all the trees branches in it’s way. When sparrow saw that elephant approaching her nest’s way … Read more

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