Master Ji Lesson to Boys Arguing – Different Point of View

Master Ji Lesson to Boys Arguing - Different Point of View

Master ji was teaching in class, when sound of two children fighting with each other started coming from behind. Listening to that, Master ji asked, “What happened? Why are you fighting like this?” Raman said, “Sir, Mohit is adamant about his point and is not ready to listen to me.” Mohit said, “Sir, What Raman … Read more

Difference in Farmers Thinking and Their Wish to God

Long ago, in a village, lived two farmers who were poor. Both used to live with their family and had little piece of land, on which they used to work and earn their living. Suddenly, both died at same time, on same day. Yamraj (God of Death) took them both in front of God. God … Read more

King Offer to his People – Story for Spiritual Motivation

King Offer to People - Story for Spiritual Motivation

Once a King made an announcement in his kingdom that – Tomorrow morning, main door of my palace will be opened for everyone in kingdom. Tomorrow whatever person touches, that thing will become his. Hearing this announcement, everyone started talking among themselves that – I will touch the most precious thing. Some said – I … Read more

Two Brothers Story – Different Way of Thinking

Two Brothers Story - Different Way of Thinking

In a small village, lived two brothers with their father who was an alcoholic. Father was abusive and used to beat both brothers. When both grew up, elder brother became an alcoholic just like his father where as younger brother became a successful business man. Despite being bought up by same father, how come one … Read more

Son Question/ Sparrow Request – Very Short Stories

Little Kid Question to Father - What is Size of God

Story 1: Little Kid Question to Father! Once a little boy asked his father: What is size of God?” His father looked up in the sky and seeing an airplane, he asked his son, “What’s size of that airplane?” Boy replied, “It is very small. I can barely see it.” After this, his father took … Read more

Who is More ill-omened – Minister Question to King

Who is More ill-omened Minister Question to King

Long ago, in a kingdom lived a man who was famous for being ill-omened (unlucky). At last people complained to King about that man. King didn’t believed this belief of people and decided to investigate himself. So, he sent his soldiers to bring that man to palace and made arrangement for him to stay. Next … Read more

Customer at Breakfast Shop – Owner Thinking

Breakfast Shop Owner Thinking - Heart Warming Story

There was breakfast shop near stadium. Many people would go there for breakfast. Once a customer who used to go there, noticed that a person came in when it was crowded and taking advantage of crowd, after having dinner, he left secretly without paying. Next day as person was eating, that customer secretly told owner … Read more

Teacher Question to Boy – Different Perspective

Teacher Question to Boy - Different Perspective

A teacher was teaching mathematics to a six year old child. She asked, “If i give you an orange and an orange and an orange to keep then how many oranges will you have in your bag?” Within moments boy confidently replied, “Four.” Teacher was disappointed to hear the answer because she was expecting a … Read more

King Question and Kid Reply – Story with Twist

King Question and Kid Reply - Story with Twist

Once in a Kingdom, there was Priest who was famous for his intelligence and wisdom. One day, King invited Priest to his court. When Priest reached King’s court, they had deep discussions on many subject. When he was about to leave, King said, “Pandit ji, If you allow i want to ask you one thing.” … Read more

King Lesson to His Sons – Different Seasons Story

King Lesson to His Sons - Different Seasons Story

Long time ago, there was a kingdom in far south. It’s King had three sons. One day he thought that his sons should be given some education to prepare them for the time they take the reigns. With this thought, King called his three sons to the court and said, “There is a pear tree … Read more

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