Saint Kabir Advice – Story about Fights in Married Life

Saint Kabir Advice - Story about Fights in Married Life

Reason for Fights in Married Life and It’s Solution Everyday people from far off places used to come to listen satsang done by Saint Kabir. One day after satsang was over, a man kept sitting. When everyone left. He went to Saint Kabir and said, “I have to ask you something. I am a householder … Read more

Husband Wife Fight – Relationship Story..!

Fight Between Husband Wife -Relationship Story with Moral Lesson

Once in a city, lived a couple who had constant quarrels. In their neighbor lived another couple who lived quietly and happily. Couple would feel jealous of their neighbors because of nice calm atmosphere of their home. One day, wife told her husband, “Go to neighbors and look what they are doing? Find out reason … Read more

Perfect Happiness – Couple Story

Couple Story - Searching for Perfectly Happy Couple Interesting Story

Once a young couple lived in city. They were living a happy life together but they would still worry about if their happiness would last forever. One day, they heard that an old man had come to town who could solve all kind of problems. So couple decided to visit wise old man and told … Read more

Romantic Stories – Old Man Love..!!

Heart Touching Romantic Love Stories - Old Couple Best Short Love Story

Once in morning came an elderly gentleman in hospital. He came to get his stitches removed from his thumb. A nurse came to attend him. Nurse checked his vitals and told him to wait as it would be over an hour before doctor would be able to see him. While attending old man nurse noticed … Read more

Funny Husband Wife Stories

Fairy and Couples - Funny Husband Wife Short Stories

Story 1: Fairy Grants Couple Wishes..!! Once a couple were out to celebrate their 45th wedding anniversary. They went to a restaurant for dinner. After meal, on this occasion husband presented wife with a very beautiful antique gold chin with locket. Wife was very happy and she opened locket. A tiny fair appeared in front … Read more

Husband Wife and Dirty Window..!

Human Nature Short Stories - Husband Wife n Dirty Window Short Stories

Once a married couple moved to a new home. Next morning, just after waking up wife looked through window and saw that a women in neighboring home was hanging out washed linen clothes to dry. After wife saw this she said to her husband, “Dear, look at those dirty clothes that women is hanging there … Read more

Losing Everything in Moment of Anger!!

Sad Heart Touching Story - Losing Everything in Anger Moral Story

A couple had been married for 10 years but they didn’t had any child. They stayed with each other and really hoped that they will have a child before their 11th anniversary. Their family and friends were pursuing them to get a divorce but they didn’t wanted to get separated because of strong love between … Read more

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