Customer at Breakfast Shop – Owner Thinking

Breakfast Shop Owner Thinking - Heart Warming Story

There was breakfast shop near stadium. Many people would go there for breakfast. Once a customer who used to go there, noticed that a person came in when it was crowded and taking advantage of crowd, after having dinner, he left secretly without paying. Next day as person was eating, that customer secretly told owner … Read more

Old Postman and Little Girl Heart Touching Story

Old Postman and Little Girl Heart Touching Story

One day an elderly postman knocked on door of a house and said, “Take the letter..” As soon as he said this, a little girl’s voice echoed from inside, “I am coming now.. please wait.” But even after 5 minutes no one came. Postman again said, “Is there anyone tho take your letter? I have … Read more

Young Man Enlightenment Story

Young Man Enlightenment and Change Stories - Master Teaching Story

Once a young man belonging to a very rich and aristocratic family, came to Zen master. Young man told Master that he had known everything and indulged in every desire but then he got fed up with everything – fed up with women, wine, money. He said to Master, “Now, i am fed up with … Read more

Best Moral Story – Compassion (Must Read)

Best Moral Stories for Kids - Beautiful Heart Touching Motivational Stories

Story 1: Adhere to Your Own Rules.. Once a man was walking by a park and he heard a voice from nearby bushes. When he looked there, he saw that a cat was stuck there that needed help. Man tried to reach down to cat to get it out but cat got scared and started … Read more

God’s Work..!! (Must Read)

Helping Others Moral Stories - Heart Touching Beautiful Moral Story abt Compassion

Rohit was traveling from one city to another but he missed his morning train. So while waiting he thought of having breakfast. He went out of station and started walking toward a near by hotel to eat. On his way he saw two kids sitting on sidewalk. There condition was not looking good and by … Read more

Zen Master Bankei Yotaku Story

Zen Masters Stories - Bankei Yotaku Stories Compassion and Forgiveness

When Bankei held his seclusion-weeks of meditation, pupils from many parts of Japan came to attend. Once during such gathering, a man was caught stealing. Whole incident was reported to Bankei. After hearing the case Bankei didn’t took any action and ignored the incident. Just after one day of previous theft same man was caught … Read more

Creative Thinking..!!

Creative Thinking Stories - Choice of Words Short Story

Story 1: Card board Sign..!! Once a young man was passing by a street where he saw an old man sitting on road side begging for money. That old man was sitting there with an empty bowl in kept in front of him and a card board sign was kept beside that empty bowl. On … Read more

Poor Man Kindness.! Swami Vivekananda Story

Swami Vivekananda Life Stories - Stories About Humanity n Compassion

Once Swami ji was for a stay in Rajasthan. When people got to know about him they started coming to him. Swami ji was tirelessly answering questions of everyone who was coming to him. This way three days and night passed. Swam Vivekananda ji was so involved in talking to people about spiritual matters that … Read more

Puppies for Sale..! Inspirational

Puppies for Sale Inspirational Story - Little Kid Compassion Short Story

Once a farmer painted an advertisement for puppies to sell and was fixing it on the edge of his yard. As he was hitting last nail for board to be fixed on it’s place he felt a tug on his overalls. When he looked behind he saw a little kid. He asked, “What do you … Read more

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