28 Quotes by Confucius – Learning for Life

28 Quotes by Confucius - Learning abt Different Aspects of Life

When you see a Good person, Think of Becoming like her/him. When you see Someone Not so good, Reflect on your own Weak points. No matter how Busy you make think you are, You must find Time for Reading or Surrender yourself to self-chosen Ignorance. Learn avidly. Question it Repeatedly. Analyze it carefully. Then put … Read more

21 Best Motivational Quotes by Chinese Philosopher Confucius

21 Best Motivational Quotes by Chinese Philosopher Confucius

Looking at Small Advantages prevents Great affairs from being Accomplished. When it is Obvious that the Goals cannot be Reached, Don’t adjust the Goals, Adjust the Action steps. Be Strict with yourself but Least Reproachful of others and Complaint is kept afar. Learn as if you were not Reaching your Goal and as Though you … Read more

20 Motivating Quotes – Words of Wisdom by Confucius

20 Motivating Quotes - Words of Wisdom by Confucius

The Superior man makes the Difficulty to be Overcome his First Interest, Success only comes Later. The Superior man is Distressed by the Limitations of his Ability. He is not Distressed by the fact that men do not Recognize the Ability that he has. The Object of the Superior man is Truth. The Superior man … Read more

33 Best Short Motivational Quotes by Confucius

33 Best Short Motivational Quotes by Confucius Chinese Philosopher

Confucius was one of China’s most famous Philosopher, Teacher and Political theorist and He believed every individual could Benefit from Self-cultivation. Driven by his Passion, His Intention was to Awaken the people and he tirelessly Tried to do it Until the day he died.   The Journey with a 1000 miles Begins with one Step. … Read more

12 Awareness Quotes – Bodhidharma Teaching

12 Mind and Awareness Quotes - Bodhidharma Teaching

Only the Wise know this Mind, this mind called Dharma-nature, this mind called Liberation. Neither Life nor Death can restrain this Mind. Nothing can. It’s also called the Unstoppable, the Incomprehensible, the Sacred Self, the Immortal, the Great Sage. Its names Vary but not its Essence. The Mind and the world are Opposites and Vision … Read more

20 Lao Tzu Quotes

20 Lao Tzu Quotes - Chinese Philosophy Wisdom and Quotes Inspirational

Life is a series of Natural and Spontaneous changes. Don’t Resist them – that only creates Sorrow. Let reality be Reality. Let things Flow naturally forward in whatever way they Like. Being Deeply Loved by someone gives you Strength, while Loving someone deeply gives you Courage. A Man with Outward Courage dares to Die, a … Read more

21 Inspiring Lao Tzu Short Quotes

Chinese Philosophy Quotes - Lao Tzu Motivational Short Quotes abt Life

Lao Tzu was an ancient Chinese philosopher, existed in the 6th century B.C and is considered a central figure in Chinese culture, writer who’s believed to be the author of the Tao Te Ching and the father of Chinese Taoism.   “Knowledge is a Treasure but Practice is the Key to it.” Mastering Others is … Read more

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