Little Bird End Time – Garuda and Yama God Story

Little Bird End Time - Garuda and Yama God Story

Once Lord Vishnu’s Garuda was at Kailash. There he noticed a small bird, at same time Yama Dev (God of Death) arrived at Kailash and looked at bird with surprise. Seeing this, Garuda understood that that bird’s end was near. He felt pity and to save that bird from Yama dev, he picked up that … Read more

Deceit of the Mind – Cat and Lamp Story

Deceit of the Mind - Cat and Lamp Story

A saint had kept a cat. During the evening Satsang, saint would light lamp and place it on cat’s forehead to dispel darkness of night. That cat was stay still for whole time and it would not let that lamp fall from her head. People who used to come to Satsang, used to get surprised … Read more

Boy with No Hands – Never Do Wrong with Other Story

Boy with No Hands - Never Do Wrong with Other Story

Once God went on walk with an Angel. On their way, they saw that some children were swimming in a pond and near by one child was sad sitting alone under a tree. Angel saw that child was missing both of his hands and because of it he was not able to swim with other … Read more

Sewing Needle – Saint Gift to Rich Man Story

Sewing Needle - Saint Gift to Rich Man Story

Once a Saint visited a village. Richest man of that village came to pay obeisance at his feet. Rich man was very proud of his wealth. When rich man meet Saint, he said, “I would like to do some service for you. I have loads of money. I will fulfill whatever you ask.” Saint took … Read more

Fakir at River Bank/ Saint Advice to King – Story abt Desires

Fakir at River Bank - Story about Desires

Story 1: Fakir at River Bank Waiting..! A fakir was sitting on the bank of the river. A man who was passing by, he came near fakir and asked, “Baba, What are you doing?” Fakir replied, “I am waiting for entire river water flow to end, so that i can cross it.” Man said, “What … Read more

Bus Stuck in Tunnel – Story with Deep Meaning

Bus Stuck in Tunnel - Story with Deep Meaning

A school used to organise a fun trip for it’s student every year. This year also trip was planned for its young students. Everyone was excited for trip. On decided day, all kids gather and got on school bus. On time, bus left school premises. On way, there was a tunnel from which bus had … Read more

Lion Offer to Cat – Bitter Truth of Today’s World

Lion Offer to Cat - Bitter Truth of Today's World

Long time ago, lived a lion in a cave. All animals of forest were afraid of lion. One day, a mouse entered lion’s cave, thinking that no animal would come near lion’s cave, mouse found it to be most appropriate place to stay safe. Mouse dug a burrow in lion’s cave and started living there. … Read more

Shepherd Condition for Priest – Greed Story

Shepherd Condition for Priest - Greed Story

Once a question arose in court of Raja Bhoj – Which is such a well from which a man cannot get out after falling in? Many people gave different answer but none could satisfy King’s curiosity. In end, King told Raj pandit (Royal priest) to give answer for this question within seven days or else … Read more

Rabbits and Friends Story! Trust Yourself Only

Rabbits and Friends Story! Trust Yourself Only

A rabbit lived near a farm and had many friends. He would always play, talk and have fun with his friends. His days were passing happily and he always thought how lucky he was to have so many friends. One day, while playing on river bank, at some distance, he saw a lion which was … Read more

Cat Offer to Dog – Story about Dependency

Cat Offer to Dog - Story about Dependency

One day, a cat was going somewhere and suddenly a huge and terrible dog appeared in front of it. Cat got scared seeing the dog and sensing danger, she started running away from dog but in agility cat was less than dog. In a short while dog caught it. Death was in front of cat. … Read more

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