Story of Sant Malukdas – Real Salvation

Story of Sant Malukdas - Real Salvation

Malukdas was an atheist. One day a Saint came to village and stayed there. Saint used to narrate Ramayana to people. Every morning and evening people used to visit him and enjoy Ram Katha. One day, by chance Malukdas also reached there. At that time, Saint was telling glory of Shri Ram and said – … Read more

Poor Woman Response to Secretary – Believe in God

Poor Woman Response to Secretary - Believe in God

There was a poor woman who had firm believe in God. Once, poor woman and her family didn’t get any food for several days. So, she sent a message to God through radio asking him to help her. In same city, an atheist rich man heard this broadcast and thought of doing something which will … Read more

King Offer to his People – Story for Spiritual Motivation

King Offer to People - Story for Spiritual Motivation

Once a King made an announcement in his kingdom that – Tomorrow morning, main door of my palace will be opened for everyone in kingdom. Tomorrow whatever person touches, that thing will become his. Hearing this announcement, everyone started talking among themselves that – I will touch the most precious thing. Some said – I … Read more

Three Friends and Saint – Story about Giving

Three Friends and Saint - Story about Giving

Three friends were having food in Bhandara. (Bhandara service in Hindu Dharma, is the special free of cost meal, served to the devotees present in the Temple.) While eating food, first friend said, “I wish, i too could do such Bhandara..” Second said, “Yes friend, but our salary is not even enough to meet our … Read more

Does God Eat the Food Offered by Us?

Does God Eat the Food Offered by Us

A disciple asked his Guru, “Does God eat the food offered by us? If yes, then why doesn’t that food gets any less in quantity and if not, then what is the benefit of offering it?” Guru ji did not give any answer immediately. After completing the lesson, Guru ji recited a verse and asked … Read more

What’s Currency for Heaven? (Must Read)

What's Currency for Heaven? (Must Read)

Once a man worked hard all his life and by the time he reached age of 50, he had opened many companies and became one of the biggest industrialist of the city. One day, while traveling in his car, his driver played a satsang audio. In satsang, Saint said – No matter how much you … Read more

Kids Playing in Pond – Story about Karma

Kids Playing in Pond - Story about Karma

Once Shiv ji and Parvati ji (Hindu God and Goddess) went on a walk. On way, they saw that many children were swimming and playing in a pond but one child was sitting near by in sad posture. Seeing that child, Parvati ji asked Shiv ji, “Why is this child sad?” Shiv ji said, “Look, … Read more

Value of Glass of Water – Alexander and Saint Story

Value of Glass of Water - Alexander and Saint Story

When Alexander returned to India, he went to meet a Saint, seeing Alexander coming to him, Saint started laughing. Alexander felt insulted. He said to Saint angrily, “Either you don’t know me or your death had come.. Don’t you know who i am? I am great Alexander..” Saint started laughing even louder. He said to … Read more

Tree Refusal to Bird’s Request! Story about Rejection

Tree Refusal to Bird's Request! Story about Rejection

Rainy days were about to come. A pair of birds was looking for a tree to build a nest. While flying they saw trees at bank of a river. There they found one tree suited to build nest for themselves. Birds went to tree and requested, “We need to build our nest before rainy season … Read more

Want to be Rich – Poor Man Request to Guru

Want to be Rich - Poor Man Request to Guru

Once there was a poor man. He used to go his Guru’s ashram everyday and used to serve his Guru by doing cleaning work at ashram. After that man would go to his work. One day, Guru asked him, “Why do you come to ashram everyday?” Poor man replied, “If you bless me then a … Read more

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