Fire or Wind Wrapped in Paper..! – Tricky Gifts Story

Fire or Wind Wrapped in Paper - Tricky Gifts Story Japanese Folktales

Once in a Japanese village, lived an old man with his two sons. Old man always wanted to have daughters. He waited eagerly for his sons to grow up so that he can get them married. At last, both his son got married. Old man was affectionate towards both his daughter-in-laws and girls loved and … Read more

Two Macaw Parrots Story.! Motivational

Two Parrots Story - Why do we Fail Interesting Motivational Moral Story

Once upon a time, There was a King who was gone to visit neighboring kingdoms. He was gifted a pair of baby Macaw (parrots) by King of last kingdom he visited. King loved the gift as they were the most beautiful birds he had ever seen. Upon returning the kingdom, King called for a bird … Read more

Balloon Activity for Team Building..!!

Team Building Activites - Importance of Teamwork Stories for Employees

Once in a company, around team of 40 employees from different departments were working together on a project. Team consisted of bright and enthusiastic young members but problem was that they wouldn’t share information with each other and it was a problem. So one day project head, invited them for a event at company. In … Read more

Woodcutter and Beggar (Must Read)

Woodcutter and Beggar Story - Different Perspective Towards Life Solution

Once in a village lived two wood cutter Rohit and Sahil . Every morning they would go out to forest to cut wood to sell it to near by market. They both used to earn enough to survive. One day while wood cutter were taking a break from their and sat to eat lunch, there … Read more

Akbar Test – Spending Money..!!

Spending Money Stories - Akbar Birbal Short Moral Stories for Learning

During the reign of Akbar, Birbal’s wisdom was known to all. Many ministers in Akbar’s court were jealous of him and one of them was Akbar’s brother-in-law. He request Akbar to remove Birbal from his ministry and appoint him in his place. Birbal got to know about it. Before Akbar could decide, Birbal resigned from … Read more

Short Stories – Tit for Tat..!

Tit for Tat Short Stories - Clever Response to Tricky Situation Moral Stories

Story 1: Clever Reply..!! Once in a village lived a poor old man. He was poor so he had little money with him. One day he wanted to eat some sweets so he went to sweets shop market. There he stopped at a sweet shop and asked for some sweets. Sweet seller was cheat and … Read more

Business Story – Selling Combs..!

Short Stories Business - Smart Business Ideas Stories for Kids to Learn

Long ago in China lived a very successful businessman whose business was to sell combs. Businessman got old and was about to retire. He had three sons and before retiring he wanted to place his business into wise and able hands. So, he called his sons and gave them a assignment. He instructed them to … Read more

Zen Master Story – Salt in Lake.!

Zen Master Short Stories - Way to Live Happy Life Moral Stories in English

Once a young man was very unhappy with his life. He felt depressed and terrible all the time. He got to know about a zen master in near by town. One day he decided to visit master and ask for solution. Young man went to him and said, “I have so many problems in life … Read more

Old Man and His Son Story

Old Man and His Son Short Story - Motivational Short Stories for Learning

Once an old man used to live with his son. But one day his son was convicted and sent in prison. Old man had a plot in front of his house in which he used to grow potatoes. This year again it was time for planting of potatoes in plot but all the digging and … Read more

Nasruddin Hoja Advice

Nasruddin Hoja Stories - Funny and Witty Solution for Problems Stories

Once a neighbor came to Nasruddin with his problem and lamented, “I m really troubled. I have a small house and its getting difficult to fit my family consisting of my wife, three kids and mother with me in that small house. You are wise man. Do you have any advice for me??” Nasrudin replied, … Read more

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