Best Medicine for Anger – Saint Story

Best Medicine for Anger - Saint Story

There was a woman, who used to get angry easily. Whole family was troubled by this habit of her and because of this, there was always an atmosphere of discord in family. One day, a saint came to that woman house. Woman welcomed him and then told him about her problem. She said, “Maharaj! I … Read more

Young Man Complain to Old Woman Selling Oranges

Young Man Complain to Old Woman Selling Oranges

An old woman used to sell oranges on road side. A young man used to buy oranges from her. Whenever, young man bought oranges, he would pick one orange from oranges he bought, taste a piece of it and would say to old woman, “It doesn’t taste sweet..” Saying this, he would give that orange … Read more

The Snake and Saw Story – Anger Issues

The Snake and Saw Story - Anger Issues

One day a snake entered a carpenter’s workshop. It was dark in there. When snake moved it collided with something and got slightly injured. Because of this snake got angry and lifted its hood. He tried to bite the thing which had hit him. In this effort he also injured his face. Then not understanding … Read more

Son Question/ Sparrow Request – Very Short Stories

Little Kid Question to Father - What is Size of God

Story 1: Little Kid Question to Father! Once a little boy asked his father: What is size of God?” His father looked up in the sky and seeing an airplane, he asked his son, “What’s size of that airplane?” Boy replied, “It is very small. I can barely see it.” After this, his father took … Read more

Guru and Disciple Story – Respecting One’s Feelings

Guru and Disciple Story - Respecting One's Feelings

Once during a summer, a disciple was going to his village after taking a week-long leave from his guru. He was to walk all the way back to his home. After walking for half day, he felt thirsty and started looking for source of water around him. Soon he found a well and drew water … Read more

Why One Should Keep Doing Good! (Must Read)

Why One Should Keep Doing Good

Many time in life we see that good people have to suffer and evil people get awarded. This story May help one to understand this a little. Narad Ji always used to roam around. One day he saw that a cow was trapped in a swamp in the forest. Cow tried a lot but couldn’t … Read more

King and Two Beggars Story – Ask God

King and Two Beggars Story - Ask God

A King, whenever went to temple, would see two beggars sitting at temple entrance. One beggar used to sit on left and other on right side. Seeing King, beggar on right would say, “O God, you have given a lot to the King, give it to me too!” Where as Beggar on left would say, … Read more

True Wealth – Monk and Woodcutter Story for Adults

True Wealth - Monk and Woodcutter Story for Adults

In a village lived a poor woodcutter who would go to forest everyday to cut wood and then sell it in market. His income was very low. One day he heard about a monk who came to his village. He decided to go to monk. Next morning, he went to monk and said, “Maharaj, i … Read more

Angel’s Gift of Miracle to Saint – The Holy Shadow..!

Angel's Gift of Miracle to Saint - The Holy Shadow

Once lived a saint so good that angels came to earth. Angels saw that saint whole day could be summed up by two words – He Gave, He Forgave yet these words never passed his lips. These words were expressed in his smile, his kindness, forbearance and charity. Angel went back and told God about … Read more

Soldier and Trench Story – True Leadership

Soldier and Trench Story - Leadership Inspirational Stories for Life

Story 1: Section Leader and Soldiers Digging Trench Over 200 years ago, close to a battlefield, a man in civilian clothes rode past a small group of exhausted battle weary soldier. Those soldiers were digging an important defensive position. Their section leader was shouting orders and threatening them with punishment if work was not completed … Read more

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