Want to Reach Destination Quickly! Old Man Advice

Want to Reach Destination Quickly! Old Man Advice

A man crossed a river and saw an old man sitting there. He went to old man and asked, “How far is city from here?” Old man replied, “Not too far.” Man asked, “I have heard that city gates get closed as the sun sets. It’s almost evening now. Will i reach there?” Old man … Read more

Young Man Pursuing his Goals – How to Achieve Success

Reason for Not Getting Success - Young Man Pursuing his Goals Story

A Young man once saw a very rich man and was impressed by him. So, he decided to become rich. He started working hard and soon he started earning good amount of money. Meanwhile, he met a scholar. He was surprised to see the opulence of scholar and decided to become a scholar himself. So, … Read more

Best Medicine for Anger – Saint Story

Best Medicine for Anger - Saint Story

There was a woman, who used to get angry easily. Whole family was troubled by this habit of her and because of this, there was always an atmosphere of discord in family. One day, a saint came to that woman house. Woman welcomed him and then told him about her problem. She said, “Maharaj! I … Read more

Disciple Question to Saint – How You Remain Calm All the Time?

Disciple Question to Saint - How You Remain Calm All the Time

Once upon a time, a saint was sitting in his ashram. He had a disciple who used to get angry at little things. One day disciple came to him and said, “Guru ji, you meet everyone with love neither do you get angry at anyone, how? Please tell me what is secret to this?” Saint … Read more

If There is Little Extra Salt in Lemonade! Teacher Student Story

If There is Little Extra Salt in Lemonade! Teacher Student Story

There was a college student who was always quiet in class. He didn’t talk to anyone much and didn’t have any friends. One of his teacher noticed this. He called him out after class and asked, “I often see you sit silent, neither talking to anyone nor showing interest in anything. What is reason for … Read more

Flow of Thoughts – Guru Disciple Story

Flow of Thoughts - Guru Disciple Story

Once disciple went to his Guru and said, “My thoughts are bothering me a lot. Please help me.” Next day, Guru took his disciple to a field where a farmer was taking water from a flowing canal to the field by making a path from that canal towards field. Guru showed that scene to his … Read more

When Someone Abuse your Verbally – Warrior Story

When Someone Abuse your Verbally - Warrior Story

Once in a kingdom lived a great warrior. He had never lost to anyone. He was famous in his kingdom as well as in neighboring kingdom. Many young man used to come to him to learn war skills. One day, a notorious young fighter came to kingdom. This young man was determined to defeat great … Read more

Secret of Miraculous Amulet for Success! Mahatma Story

Secret of Miraculous Amulet for Success! Mahatma Story

Once in a village lived a young man Ramu. He was very hardworking but was always doubtful in his mind whether he would be successful on his work or not. Because of this he would get easily irritated at other and would get even angry even at small things. One day a famous Mahatma arrived … Read more

Triple Filter Test – Scholar Advice to Man

Triple Filter Test - Scholar Advice to Man

Once a man came to scholar and said, “Do you know what i have heard about your friend!” Scholar interrupted him and said, “Wait a minute! Before you tell me anything to me about my friend. I want you to do a three filter test.” That man curiously asked, “Three filter test? What do you … Read more

What to do to Find Solution to a Problem? Buddha Story

What to do to Find Solution to Problem Buddha Story

Lord Buddha often imparted education to his disciples. One morning, many people came to listen to Buddha’s discourse. Today, Buddha had come with something in his hands. As disciples came closer and saw that he had a rope in his hand. Buddha came and sat at his place and then without saying anything, he started … Read more

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