Old Man/ Wise Man Story – Motivational Stories for Adults

Unhappy Old Man Story - Motivational Stories for Adults

Story 1: Unhappy Old Man..! Once in a village lived an old man who was considered himself most unfortunate person in the world. He would always stay gloomy and constantly complained and was always in bad mood. Whole Village was tired of his this behavior. Longer he lived, more he became bile and more poisonous … Read more

The Stonecutter and his Wishes..!

Stonecutter and his Wishes - Japanese Folktales about Desires

Once upon a time, lived a stonecutter, who would go to big mountain everyday and cut out slabs for houses. He was a very careful workman and had plenty of customers. For long he was happy and content. In mountains dwelt a spirit which appeared to stonecutter and asked him if he want anything. At … Read more

King and Sadhu Story – Search for Happiest Person.!

King's and Sadhu Story - Search for Happiest Person

Once upon a time, There was a King who was very Kind and generous. King had everything and people in his Kingdom were happy but still King would feel unhappy and sad every time. His ministers always tried on or other ways to make King happy but none of them succeeded. King didn’t understand what … Read more

Right Way to Live Life – Two Monks Story

Right Way to Live Life - Two Monks Different Perspective Story Life Lesson

Once two monk returned to their place, after being away for months, traveling around world giving lectures and praying. When they returned home, they were tired and just wanted to have rest. But when they reached their place what they saw was just half of their hut. Because of heavy rains and winds, part of … Read more

Perfect Happiness – Couple Story

Couple Story - Searching for Perfectly Happy Couple Interesting Story

Once a young couple lived in city. They were living a happy life together but they would still worry about if their happiness would last forever. One day, they heard that an old man had come to town who could solve all kind of problems. So couple decided to visit wise old man and told … Read more

Happy Monk Story

Happy Monk Story - Best Story about Happiness of Spiritual Enlightenment

Once upon a time, lived a high class rich man in a kingdom. As he rich man became older and realized that suffering for old age was about same for rich and poor. So, he gave up his wealth and went to forest to live as a monk. In forest he practiced meditation and freed … Read more

Way to be Happy Always

How to be Happy Always - How to Make Peace with Yourself Short Story

In a small village lived a man name Ram who was kind and always happy. He used to smile always and had kind and encouraging words to say, whenever it was necessary. Everyone who met him, left feeling better and happier and elated. One of his neighbor always saw him. He saw that lots of … Read more

Be Content in Life – Three Brothers Wishes..!!

Be Content in Life Story - Brothers Stories with Moral Lesson fr Happy Life

Once upon a time in a village lived three brothers named Sam, Tom and Ben in a small cottage. There were honest and hardworking. They were able to earn just enough money to live a decent life. Even though they lived a decent life, they were unhappy. They felt that they need something more to … Read more

Saint and Wealthy Man..!

Be Happy with What you have Story - Best Moral Stories abt Being Happy

Once a saint visited a town for some days. During his stay saint would pray silently sitting under a tree. People got to know about him and would come to visit him to ask solution for their problems. In that town lived a very wealthy merchant. After observing saint for few days, was deeply touched … Read more

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