Heads to Sell – Story about False Pride

Heads to Sell - King Advice to Minister

Once a kingdom was ruled by mighty King who was a skilled warrior and was victorious in every battle. Kings of neighboring states also believed in his bravery. Once he was returning to his city after winning a war. His minister and soldiers were with him. On the way, King saw a Buddhist monk sitting … Read more

Heart of Clay – Young Boy and Monk Story

Heart of Clay - Young Boy and Monk Story

In a village, lived a couple with their son. Their son used to stay irritated all the time and used to get angry over little talks. Everyday, he used to get in quarrel with people in his neighborhood. He didn’t even had any friends. Parents got worried about their son. One day a monk arrived … Read more

Who Have Most Beautiful Hands? Old Woman Answer

Old Woman Answer - Most Beautiful Hands

Long time ago, some rich and beautiful women were sitting on the bank of river enjoying picnic. After a while when they were washing their hands and feet in cool and clean water of the river, they saw their reflection. Seeing their reflection in water, they started to admire their own beauty. Just then one … Read more

Elderly Couple and Clerk Story – Be Kind and Helpful

Old man and Clerk Inspiring Story about Helping Others - Story of Waldorf Astoria Hotel

Many years ago, on stormy night an elderly man and his wife entered in a small hotel in Philadelphia, USA. Trying to get out of rain, couple approached front desk hoping to get a room. Husband said, “Could you possibly give us a room here?” Clerk, a friendly man, looked at the couple and said, … Read more

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