Sage Arrogance vs Sadhana of a Household Woman

Sage Arrogance and Sadhana of a Household Woman

Leaving his old mother and helpless father, a man went to forest to do penance. After several years, he completed his penance. When he got up, after completing his Sadhana, he saw a crow flying with a baby bird in it’s beak. Seeing this, Sage looked at crow angrily and flames burst out of Sage’s … Read more

Price of Sculptures and Criticism – Master Disciple Relationship

Price of Sculptures and Criticism - Master Disciple Relationship

Long ago, a master and his disciple used to work together to make statues. They used to make their living by selling idols. With time, disciple started making very good sculptures and idols. Soon, his work started to sell for more amount than his master’s idol could get. Disciple started feeling that he had become … Read more

Arrogant Elephant and Ant Revenge Story

Arrogant Elephant and Ant Revenge Story

An elephant lived in a forest who was very proud of his strength. He would destroy nest of birds or uproot the entire tree. Sometimes he used to pick monkeys and thrash them and sometimes would trample rabbits under his feet. All animals were upset with him but could not do anything in front of … Read more

Blank Paper – Old Monk and Scholar Story

Blank Paper - Old Monk and Scholar Story

Once an eminent and famous scholar who was well versed in scriptures went to an old monk and said, “I want to learn real truth of life. Please guide me.” Old monk asked, “Who are you?” Scholar said, “You don’t know me? I am a learned scholar in many scriptures and i have a great … Read more

Scholar and Boatman Story!!

Scholar and Boatman Story about Pride

One day, a Scholar had to cross the river to go to another village. He reached the river bank and sat on a boat. Boatman started rowing boat. As per his habit, Scholar started boasting of his knowledge. He asked boatman, “Have you studied anything?” Boatman replied, “No, i am not educated. My family has … Read more

The Cat and The Fox Story

The Cat and The Fox Story

A cat and fox were very good friends. They used to spent time together and used to pass their days with great fun. Fox considered himself very clever and whenever there was talk of cleverness, it would not leave any opportunity to humiliate cat. Cat sometimes felt bad but due to friendship didn’t said anything. … Read more

Sage Question to Arrogant King – Deep Meaning

Sage Question to Arrogant King - Deep Meaning

Once lived a King who was very arrogant. Due to his arrogance, he did not have good relation with King ruling surrounding kingdom. Even people of his own kingdom used to criticize him. A sage who was passing through kingdom, heard about King and thought of teaching him a lesson. Sage started walking toward King’s … Read more

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