Buddha Response to Man Who Spit on Him!!

Buddha Response to Man Who Spit on Him!!

One morning, a man who used to be Buddha disciple, came to Buddha and spit on him. Buddha wiped his face with cloth and said to man, “Do you have anything else to say?” Monk who was sitting nearby was filled with anger and said to Buddha, “What are you saying?” Buddha said, “As far … Read more

Man Anger and Hatred toward his Neighbour – Saint Solution

Man Anger and Hatred toward his Neighbour - Saint Solution

In a village, lived a man who was troubled by his neighbour for long time. He was very upset with him. One day, a saint came to village. Man went to him and all about his problem with his neighbour and then said, “Baba, it has been long time since my neighbour had troubled me. … Read more

How Sutra of Knowledge Saved Merchant! Anger Story

How Sutra of Knowledge Saved Merchant! Anger Story

Long time ago, after two years of marriage, a young man expressed to his wife, his desire to go abroad and do business. His wife agreed. Young man left for his journey. Young man reached foreign country and worked hard. There he earned a lot of money and became a rich merchant. After eighteen years, … Read more

Best Medicine for Anger – Saint Story

Best Medicine for Anger - Saint Story

There was a woman, who used to get angry easily. Whole family was troubled by this habit of her and because of this, there was always an atmosphere of discord in family. One day, a saint came to that woman house. Woman welcomed him and then told him about her problem. She said, “Maharaj! I … Read more

Slave of Slave – Alexander and Indian Saint Story

Slave of Slave - Alexander and Indian Saint Story

After Alexander established his empire in Greece, Egypt and North India, his army was tired after years of fighting and wanted to return home. So, Alexander decided to return from India. But before leaving he wanted to take with him a knowledgeable person from India. He came to know about a Saint who lived near … Read more

King Anger and Parrot Story! Why to Control Your Anger

King Anger and Parrot Story! Why to Control Your Anger

Once a king got lost in a dense forest and starting feeling thirsty. He had no water with him. Despite searching around, he couldn’t find water anywhere. His throat was getting dry, just then his eyes fell in a tree. From branch of that tree small drops of water were falling. King went near tree … Read more

Monk Question – Why People Shout at Other When Angry?

Monk Question to Disciple - Why People Shout at Other When Angry!

One day, a monk with his disciple reached bank of river. There they saw that, some people of a family were talking and suddenly started shouting at each other in anger. Seeing this monk asked his disciple, “Why people shout at each other, when angry?” Disciples replied, “Because person loses his peace in anger.” Monk … Read more

Washer Man Calm Response to Monk – Anger Story

Washer Man Calm Response to Monk - Anger Story

Once a Monk was sitting on a big rock situated in the bank of river. At same place, daily a washer man used to come to wash clothes as there was only one rock on bank of river, which could be used while washing clothes. Today, when washer man came and saw monk sitting on … Read more

Farmer and Snake Enmity! Bitter Truth of Life

Farmer and Snake Enmity! Bitter Truth of Life

One day a farmer was working in fields with his son. Suddenly his son foot fell on the tail of snake. As soon as snake’s tail was pressed under his feet, snake hissed and bites farmer’s son. Due to effect of poison, farmer’s son died that instant. Seeing death of his son in front of … Read more

Why People Fight? Rich Man Question to Saint

Why People Fight Rich Man Question to Saint

A saint used to go door to door for alms. One day he reached house a Seth (rich man) of village to beg for alms. Seth bought some grains and gave them to saint as alms. After giving alms, Seth said, “Maharaj.. I want to ask a question.” Saint replied, “Sure..” Seth said, “I want … Read more

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