Knowledge vs Knowing – Ouspensky and Gurdjieff

Knowledge vs Knowing - Ouspensky and Gurdjieff Story

Ouspensky was marvelous thinker from Russia who was very famous for books he had written. Once Osupensky visited Gurdjieff who was a saint and said to him, “I want to put some question to you.” Gurdjieff handed him a blank piece of paper and said, “Before we talk, i want you to write down all … Read more

Alexander and Indian Sannyasin..!

Alexander and Indian Sage - Stories from History

Before Alexander came to India, his teacher Aristotle had asked him, “Bring a sannyasin when you come back. I would like to see what a sannyasin is like, what it is all about because that is greatest contribution of India to the world.” After invading India, When he was going back he remembered. He inquired … Read more

Buddha’s Wisdom (Must Read)

Buddha Wisdom Stories - Inner Calmness vs Anger Short Moral Story

Once Buddha was sitting under a tree. A man came to him and started abusing him. After abusing Buddha that man stood there waiting for some Buddha’s response or reaction but to his surprise there wasn’t even slightest change in Buddha’s expression. Man got more angry and used more insulting words to insult Buddha. Still … Read more

Swami Ji Enlightenment Story..!!

Swami Vivekananda Stories - Swamiji Attained Enlightenment Story in Eng

Story 1: Difficult Time in Life..!! When Vivekananda father died, he was not able to feed his family as he didn’t had any money or job. He felt pained and frustrated when ever he saw his mother and brother hungry. One day Vivekananda went inside jungle, wandering as he was feeling  annoyed. He was so … Read more

Swami Ji Brilliance Stories..!

Famous Stories of Swami Vivekananda - Real Life Short Stories in English

Story 1: Vivekananda and His Friends..!! Once Swami Vivekananda ji was traveling by ship with one of his friends. In morning, they asked for newspaper to read. Vivekananda ji read newspaper and kept it aside for his friend and went outside chamber. Vivekananda ji friends took newspaper and went outside o deck to read it. … Read more