Currently browsing:- Always Speak Truth Stories:

Telling the truth is a very good habit. If you always speak the truth, you can save yourselves from lots of trouble.

Hunter and Sage Story - Aways Speak Truth Life Lesson

Hunter and Sage Story

Once upon a time, a sage was living in forest. He was famous for strictly following his policy of always speaking truth. One day, Sage was teaching his disciples about importance of truth. He said, “We should always tell truth, no matter how difficult situation is.” Suddenly a deer came running towards him. Deer bowed…

Little Boy Story - Admit Your Mistakes Life Lesson for Kids with Moral

Admit you Mistakes – Little Boy Story

Once there was a little boy name Steve and his elder sister Neena, went to visit their grandparents on their farm. Steve loved to play with his slingshot. So one day he took his slingshot and went towards wood to practice with it. There he tried many times but could never hit target. It got…

Always Speak Truth Story - King and Prisoner Moral Story in English

Always Speak Truth – King and Prisoner Story

Once a Kingdom was ruled by kind King Raja Bhanu Pratap. One day while declaring a punishment for a criminal, he thought that he should try to know more about those who were punished for some offense they done. After getting punished do they really have a feeling of remorse? Next day, king went to…

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