Is Evil Created by God? Student Answer to Professor

Evil is Created by God? Student Answer to Professor

One day, a professor asked his students, “Whatever exists in this world, God has created it.. Right?” Everyone said, “Yes.” Professor said, “This means that even evil is created by God.” When professor said this, a student stood up and said, “Sir, don’t reach this conclusion so quickly.” Professor said, “Why? Everyone agreed that everything … Read more

Young Man Desire to Get Fame – Sage Advice to Young Man

Young Man Desire to Get Fame - Sage Advice to Young Man

Long ago there was a young man who always used to visit Sages and Yogis. Once he stayed with a yogi and pleased with his service Yogi said, “If you have any wish, i can fulfil it.” Young man wanted to gain fame. He said, “I want to become powerful. I want to know the … Read more

Kids Playing in Pond – Story about Karma

Kids Playing in Pond - Story about Karma

Once Shiv ji and Parvati ji (Hindu God and Goddess) went on a walk. On way, they saw that many children were swimming and playing in a pond but one child was sitting near by in sad posture. Seeing that child, Parvati ji asked Shiv ji, “Why is this child sad?” Shiv ji said, “Look, … Read more

Sinful Man Deeds – Story about Judging Others

Sinful Man Deeds - Story about Judging Others

Once in a kingdom, it was habit of a King to disguise and make visits, to keep check on needs of his people. One day while he was out with his minister, he reached edge of city where he saw a man lying. King saw that many people passed by but no one came to … Read more

Why One Should Keep Doing Good! (Must Read)

Why One Should Keep Doing Good

Many time in life we see that good people have to suffer and evil people get awarded. This story May help one to understand this a little. Narad Ji always used to roam around. One day he saw that a cow was trapped in a swamp in the forest. Cow tried a lot but couldn’t … Read more

Commander and Tea Shop Owner Story – Be Helpful

Commander and Tea Shop Owner Story - Be Helpful

It was freezing! Temperature was 0 degree!! During patrolling, a contingent of soldiers were passing through mountainous path, their commander was also with them. Way became difficult and dark. Soldiers started to feel tired and difficult to continue walking down that path. Just a little ahead, they saw a tea shop but when they reached … Read more

Farmer and Nobleman Story – Always do Good

Farmer and Nobleman Story - Always do Good Inspirational Short Story

Once there was a poor Scottish farmer. One day, while working, he heard a cry for help from near by bog. He dropped his tools and ran to bog. There he saw a boy terrified and screaming stuck in bog up to waist. He was struggling to free himself. Farmer quickly acted and saved boy … Read more

King Order to Three Minister Story

King Order to Three Minister Story - Always Do Good Moral Story

Once a King called his three ministers and gave a bag to each of them and said, “Go to forest and fill up the bag with fruits and bring it back another day.” First minister was honest and hardworking. He thought that it was King’s order so he did his best and filled bag by … Read more

Life is Reflection – Short Moral Stories

Short Stories with Moral - Do Good and Good Reflects Back in Life Story

Story 1: Echo in Mountain..!! Once a father and son were walking through mountain. Suddenly, kid fell and hurt himself and screamed, “Aaahhh!!” To his surprise, he heard a repeating voice somewhere in mountain, “Aaahh!!” Curious about voice, kid yelled, “Who are you?” He received answer, “Who are you?” Listening to his he again shouted, … Read more

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