Slave of Slave – Alexander and Indian Saint Story

Slave of Slave - Alexander and Indian Saint Story

After Alexander established his empire in Greece, Egypt and North India, his army was tired after years of fighting and wanted to return home. So, Alexander decided to return from India. But before leaving he wanted to take with him a knowledgeable person from India. He came to know about a Saint who lived near … Read more

Value of Glass of Water – Alexander and Saint Story

Value of Glass of Water - Alexander and Saint Story

When Alexander returned to India, he went to meet a Saint, seeing Alexander coming to him, Saint started laughing. Alexander felt insulted. He said to Saint angrily, “Either you don’t know me or your death had come.. Don’t you know who i am? I am great Alexander..” Saint started laughing even louder. He said to … Read more

Alexander and Indian Sannyasin..!

Alexander and Indian Sage - Stories from History

Before Alexander came to India, his teacher Aristotle had asked him, “Bring a sannyasin when you come back. I would like to see what a sannyasin is like, what it is all about because that is greatest contribution of India to the world.” After invading India, When he was going back he remembered. He inquired … Read more

Alexander and Greek Mystic Diogenes Story – Last Three Wishes

Alexander and Greek Mystic Diogenes Story about Life Desires

Alexander meet two great mystics. One of them was Diogenes, a Greek mystic who lived in utter ecstasy, always in celebration. Once Alexander had gone to see him and said to him, “You are the first man i am feeling jealous of.” Diogenes replied, “This is strange because you are one of the Greatest Kings, … Read more

Alexander the Great Last Wishes..!!

King Alexander The Great Last Words - Ultimate Truth of Life Moral Story

After conquering many kingdoms, when Alexander was returning home, on way back to his country he fell ill and his disease took him to his death bed. While on death bed he longed to be able to meet his mother before he die. But he knew that his illness will not give him enough time … Read more

Alexander and Indian Sage Story

Alexander and Indian Sage Story - Power Surrender Before Spiritualism

When Alexander came to India, He discovered that out of all the countries he conquered, most truthful and wise persons were found here in India so he told about his desire to meet heads of India i. e. the philosophers and the saints. He was taken to Indus river where meet a Saint. Alexander was … Read more

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