Swan and Crow Story about Impact of One’s Company

Swan and Crow Story about Impact of One's CompanyOnce a hunter went hunting, did not find any prey, got tired and fell asleep under a tree.

Wind was blowing, so shadow of tree was increasing and decreasing due to branches moving back and forth.

A beautiful swan was flying from there, that swan saw that this poor person was getting disturbed and sun rays were falling on his face.

Swan sat on branch of tree, spreading its wings so that hunter could sleep comfortably in it’s shade.

Meanwhile, a crow came and sat on same branch, looked here and there and then defecated on the hunter and flew away from there.

This broke hunter sleep and he woke up in anger and started looking here and there. His eyes fell in the swan and he immediately took out his bow and arrow and killed that swan.

Swan fell down and while dying said, “I was serving you and i was giving you shade and yet you killed me. What was my fault?”

Hunter said, “Although, you were born in a high family, your thinking is as beautiful as your body.

Even with good thoughts you were serving me sitting on branch but you made a mistake, when crow came and sat near you, you should have flown away at that very moment.

Just a moment association of that evil crow has bought you this upon you.”

One should always be careful about their company in world. Those who are of good mind, work and intelligence should keep their distance from bad people.

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Search Keywords: Swan and Crow Story about Impact of One’s Company, Keep Distance from Bad People Short Moral Story for Kids, Fables with Moral, Short Story with Moral Lesson

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