Human Nature in Kaliyuga

Human Nature in Kaliyuga - Krishna and Padavas Story in English Share

Once Pandavas(except for Yudhishthira) asked Krishna, “What is Kaliyuga and what will happen during Kaliyuga?” Krishna smiled and said, “Let me demonstrate  you the situation of Kaliyuga..” Krishna took a bow and shot four arrows in four directions and asked Pandavas to bring them back. Each Pandavas went in different directions to bring those arrows … Read more

Man on Island..!! (God’s Way)

Man on Island Short Stories - Best Moral Stories about Trusting God in Eng

Once a ship was wrecked in a storm and only survivor left was washed up on a small inhabited island. He prayed to God to rescue him but for days there was no help and no one came to rescue him. Exhausted, one day he look around for things and built a little hut for … Read more

King’s and his Four Wives..!!

Stories to Make You Think about Life - Deep Meaning Moral Stories for Adults

Once there was a King who had 4 wives. He loved all of his wives but King used to love his 4th wife most and always used to adorned her with finest delicacies. He provided her with best things. His 3rd wife was really beautiful and he loved to show her off to neighboring kingdom. … Read more

Why God takes Human form?

Questions About God Short Stories - Birbal's Very Interesting Answer to Akbar

One day Akbar asked Birbal, “Why does God takes Human form when he can do everything just by his will..?” After listening to question Birbal asked Akbar to give him time to give him sometime so that he can think of way to give Akbar a suitable answer to this question. Akbar agreed to wait. … Read more

Bamboo Plant and Flute – Krishna Story

Krishna Short Stories in English - Best Story About Complete Surrender to Krishna

Everyday Krishna would go to garden to show his love to plants.. And plants would respond with same love. One day Krishna quickly ran into through garden and went to bamboo plant. Seeing Krishna in panic bamboo plant asked, “What’s wrong Krishna?” Krishna replied, “I have something to ask you.. It’s very difficult to ask..” … Read more

Akbar Birbal 3 Questions Story

Akbar Birbal 3 Questions Story - Questions about God Learning Stories for Life

One day in kingdom court Akbar said Birbal to give him answer for three questions. After listening to question Birbal thought for while and then said said that he will answer those next day in court. When Birbal reached home he was very sad. When his son saw that he asked his father reason for … Read more

How to Get Rid of Fear of Death?

Short Stories About Fear of Death - Accepting Truth of Death Zen Teaching

Once a young man went to his master and said, “Master.. I fear death!! How can i get rid of this fear??” Master said, “Tell me.. When you borrow some coins from someone then are you afraid to give them back??” “Of course not..! I will not be afraid..”, Young man replied. Young man didn’t … Read more

Deep Meaning – Way to Make Life Better..!!

Deep Meaning Moral Stories - Saint Teaching to Student Best Short Stories

Once a man went to saint and said, “I desire to make my life better and beautiful. Please tell me Way by which I can make my Life better.” Saint had things kept beside him. He picked up some cotton, one candle and one needle from those things and gave it to man. After giving … Read more

Best Spiritual Enlightenment Stories..!! (Must Read)

Spiritual Enlightenment Short Stories - Objective World Zen Moral Stories

Story 1: I want to Find GOD..!! Once a Master living in solitude was meditating by river side. One Young man came to know about that and thought of going to meet him. So, One day young man came to him and said, “Master, i wish to become your disciple because I want to find … Read more

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