Archbishop and Saints – Spiritual Enlightenment

Spiritual Enlightenment - Archbishop and Saints Divine Awakening Story

Once a Archbishop became very much annoyed because of three people who had become known as saints and used to lived on small island. Archbishop got very jealous and angry that without sanction these people were started to known as saints and thousands of people were going to island to get their blessings. One day, … Read more

Who is Poor – King or Yogi?

Who is Poor Story - King Offer to Yogi Moral Story abt Being Content

Once a King was leading his army across snowy peaks of mountains that bounded his kingdom, into his neighbor’s kingdom for war. When he was at peak where cold was unbearable, on his way he saw a Yogi who was sitting there with his head between his knee, evidently to protect himself from chill wind. … Read more

Two Sanyasi and Narada Muni Story

Narada Muni Stories - Two Sanyasi Question and Reaction Beautiful Story

Once Narada  was going to Vaikuntha to see God Vishnu. While leaving from earth, on his way he saw an old Sanyasi sitting under a tree. He went to him and said, “I am going to meet God. Is there any message you would like to give to me?” Sanyasi replied, “When you meet him, … Read more

Buddha and Philosopher – Power of Silence

Power of Silence Story - Buddha and Philosopher Spiritual Enlightenment

Once a great philosopher came to Buddha. He had lot of questions to ask. He came to Buddha and started asking questions to him. Buddha listened to him and said, “Do you really want answer? If you really want it, can you pay the price?” Philosopher replied, “My whole life, i have been searching for … Read more

Fakir Begging Bowl and Thief Story

Fakir Stories - Golden Begging Bowl and Thief Englightenment Moral Story

Once in Bharat, lived a naked fakir, Nagarjuna. he was famous and loved by all. Queen who ruled at that time, also admired and respected him a lot. One day she asked him to come to palace, to be guest. Fakir went. When he came, Queen asked him for favor. When Fakir met Queen, he … Read more

Happy Monk Story

Happy Monk Story - Best Story about Happiness of Spiritual Enlightenment

Once upon a time, lived a high class rich man in a kingdom. As he rich man became older and realized that suffering for old age was about same for rich and poor. So, he gave up his wealth and went to forest to live as a monk. In forest he practiced meditation and freed … Read more

Necklace Story!

Reflection of Necklace Story - Illusion of Material Life Short Moral Story

Once there was a king who had presented his daughter with a beautiful diamond necklace but one day necklace was lost. Announcement was made in kingdom. People in kingdom searched everywhere but still couldn’t find it. At last king put a reward for 5000 gold coins for anyone who find and bring back that necklace. … Read more

God is Watching You..!!

God is Watching You Story - Never Do Wrong Stories for Kids with Moral

Once two men came to Sage who used to live in forest inside a small hut. They requested him to allow them to be his students. Sage asked them to come next day. Next day when they came, Sage was holding two birds in his hands. He asked them to hold on to birds. Both … Read more

Humility Stories – Sage Advice..!

Humility Stories - Sage Spiritual Lesson to King Offer Gratitude Moral Story

One day King went to his spiritual master and said, “Master, you have been helping me in my spiritual life. I am very grateful to you.. I want to do something for you.. Can i give something to you that you need?” Master replied, “I have everything from God. What can you give me? What … Read more

Sage and King Story – Everyone is Beggar

King and Sage Stories - Everyone is Beggar Best Moral Stories Lesson

Once there was a king who got badly hurt in a battle. No doctor was able to treat his wound well. After some day, a sage was visiting that kingdom. King got to know about him and invited him to his palace. Sage went to palace and King was completely healed by Sage’s touch. King … Read more