Holding Lamp in Hands – Saint and King Story

Holding Lamp in Hands - Saint and King Story

There was a very religious and knowledgeable King in Mithila. One day, a saint came to meet him. King welcomed and respected saint wholeheartedly and asked the reason for coming to the court. Saint said, “Rajan, i have heard that despite living in palace amidst so much grandeur, you remain aloof from them. I did … Read more

Ask God for Once! Draupadi Request to Yudhishthir

Ask God for Once! Draupadi Request to Yudhishthir

In Mahabharat, When Pandavas were living in exile. One day, Yudhishthir was sitting in solitude and enjoying nature. During this, he closed his eyes and sat in meditation. Just then Draupadi also reached there. When Yudhisthir’s meditation was complete, he looked very happy. Seeing this, Draupadi said, “You have so much faith in God. You … Read more

Lady Kept Sadhu Waiting for Alms.. Why? Deep Meaning

Lady Kept Sadhu Waiting for Alms.. Why Deep Meaning

Once a Sadhu was standing outside a Seth (rich man) house, singing bhajan (hymns in praise of God) and asking for food. Sethani (Seth wife) went inside kitchen and bought food for him yet she had been telling Sadhu for a long time that she was coming. Sadhu was singing bhajan while waiting. Seth was … Read more

Age Written on Stones – Deep Meaning Story for Spiritual Growth

Age Written on Stones - Deep Meaning Story for Spiritual Growth

Once a man went to a village.  After entering village, On his way, he saw a cremation ground. There he saw stones with people name and age written on them. When he read them, he found that age of people who died was written on stones in the cremation ground as 5 years, 8, years, … Read more

Princess and Monk Difference in Thinking! Story abt Renunciation

Princess and Monk Difference in Thinking! Story about Renunciation

Long ago, there was a girl who despite being born in King’s family, had feelings of renunciation. When the princess got at age of getting married, King was not able to find a suitable groom for her marriage. Understanding the feelings of his daughter, the King, after much thought, got her married to a poor … Read more

Sant Malukdas Story – From an Atheist to a Devotee (Must Read)

Sant Malukdas Story - From an Atheist to a Devotee

In old times, lived a Saint Malukdas, who was a karmayogi and had gained immensed knowledge from self study, Satsang and traveling. In the beginning, Saint Malukdas was an atheist. Once, a Sadhu came to his village and stayed. Sadhu used to recite Ramayana to people, every morning and evening. Villagers would visit him and … Read more

How to Attain Self Realization? Guru Answer

How to Attain Self Realization? Guru Answer

It was early in the morning. In the Gurukul, Guru ji was teaching his disciples about “Soul”. Explaining about the soul, Guru Ji explained a verse from Bhagavad Gita: No weapon can pierce the soul, no fire can burn it, no water can melt it and no wind can dry it. This soul can never … Read more

Does God Eat the Food Offered by Us?

Does God Eat the Food Offered by Us

A disciple asked his Guru, “Does God eat the food offered by us? If yes, then why doesn’t that food gets any less in quantity and if not, then what is the benefit of offering it?” Guru ji did not give any answer immediately. After completing the lesson, Guru ji recited a verse and asked … Read more

Who is Biggest Fool? Seth n Devotee Story

Who is Biggest Fool? Seth and Devotee Story

Once in a village, lived a devotee named Gyanchand who was always engrossed in devotion of God. His routine to wake up early in morning, do worship and sing hymns in praise of God. After that he would go to his shop and work till lunchtime and close shop. After that he would go serve … Read more

Know Yourself Before Searching for God

Know Yourself Before Searching for God

A monk had returned to India after traveling all over the world. After reaching a kingdom, he started staying as a guest at King’s palace. One day King went to Monk and said, “I have a request.. I have been asking this for one question for twenty years but nobody helped. Will you?” Monk replied, … Read more

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