Sparrow Advice to Monkey – Story about Giving Advice

Sparrow Advice to Monkey - Story about Giving AdviceA pair of sparrow made a nest on the branch of a big dense tree in forest. For years, they were living happily there.

On a day of cold weather, when pair of sparrow was resting in their nest, strong cold wind was blowing and suddenly it started raining heavily.

In such situation, a monkey came from somewhere and sat on branch where nest of sparrow was build. Monkey teeth were chattering because of cold.

Hearing that sound, sparrow peeped out of its nest and seeing monkey getting wet in rain, she couldn’t control herself and asked, “What are you doing here on this branch in this rain? Don’t you have a house?”

Monkey was cold and irritated. Even after listening to sparrow he didn’t respond and remained silent.

Seeing monkey silent, sparrow started giving advice, “It seems that you have no home. That’s why you are getting wet in this rain. Why don’t you have home?

You look fit and fine then why didn’t you build your house? If you had build your house then you could have place to stay in such rain.”

Monkey still didn’t respond.

Seeing no response, sparrow said, “It is foolish of you to not build your own house. Now, look at it result, you are sitting here getting cold in rain and look at us, we are happily sitting in our nest.”

Hearing this, monkey got angry and in anger, he broke the sparrow’s nest. Now, sparrow had lost it’s nest, as result of giving advice to a fool.

Give Advice to those Who really Need it and understand its value. Giving advice to a fool may lead to its Consequences.

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Search Keywords: Sparrow Advice to Monkey – Story about Giving Advice, Story Telling One to Learn to Understand When to Speak and When Not, Monkey and Sparrow Story, Short Story with Learning for Life, Moral Stories for Adults, Result of Giving Advice to a Fool Short Story, Interesting Story to Make You Think, Learn When to Stay Silent Story with Moral Lesson

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