Son Question/ Sparrow Request – Very Short Stories

Little Kid Question to Father - What is Size of GodStory 1: Little Kid Question to Father!

Once a little boy asked his father: What is size of God?”

His father looked up in the sky and seeing an airplane, he asked his son, “What’s size of that airplane?”

Boy replied, “It is very small. I can barely see it.”

After this, his father took him to the nearest airport and they both looked at an airplane there.

Then father asked his son, “Now, tell me what is size of this one?”

Boy answered, “Wow! this is so big..”

Then father smiled and said, “Like this is God. His size depends on how distant you are from him. The closer you are to him, bigger and greater he will be in your life..




Sparrow Request to Tree - Very Short StoryStory 2: Sparrow Request to Tree!

Once a sparrow was in search of a tree to build her nest and lay eggs. She came across two trees.

She went and asked first tree but tree refused to give her shelter. The sparrow went to second tree, that tree agreed.

Sparrow built her nest and laid her eggs.

After a month, rainy season arrived. Rains were so heavy that first tree who had refused shelter to sparrow, fell and was taken away in floods.

When sparrow saw this, she said to that tree, “This is your karma, as you refused to give me shelter..”

Tree which was getting swept away by flood, replied, “I knew i wasn’t going to make it through this rainy season, hence i refused you..”

Do not Judge Others.

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Search Keywords: Son Question/ Sparrow Request – Very Short Stories, Heart Touching Short Stories With Beautiful Life Lesson for Adults, Must Read Best Stories with Moral, Stories to Share, Boy Question to Father – Interesting Answer, Story about God Presence in Life, Story about Judging Others, Understanding Others Situation Story with Moral Lesson, Simple Stories with Deep Meaning

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