Husband Wife Short Stories..!

Man Search for Perfect Wife - Deep Meaning StoryStory 1: Man’s Search for Perfect Wife..!

Once lived a man who remained unmarried his whole life. When he was ninety years old and dying, someone asked him, “You have remained unmarried your whole life but you never said what reason was. Now you are dying, if your secret is known it won’t harm you.”

Old man replied, “Yes, There is a secret. It’s not that i am against marriage but i was searching for a perfect woman. I searched and searched and my whole life slipped by..”

Man asked, “But upon this big earth, so many million of people and half of them are woman and yet you couldn’t find one perfect woman for you?”

Tear rolled down from eye of dying man as he said, “Yes, i did find one.”

Man was shocked and asked, “Then what happened? Why didn’t you got married?”

Old man replied, “But.. that woman was searching for perfect husband.”



Wife Response to Drunk Husband - Funny StoryStory 2: Wife Response to Drunk Husband..!

Once a husband came home drunk and while entering he broke some crockery, vomited and fell down on floor.

His wife came and pulled him up and cleaned everything.

Next day, when husband got up, he remembered how he fell and expected that his wife would be really angry with him for coming home drunk.

He prayed that, his wife wouldn’t fight with him. He came out of room and started looking where his wife was at that time.

When he came near table, he saw a note, “Honey, today i made your favorite for breakfast and it on table. I have to leave early to buy grocery. I will back to you as soon as shopping is done. Love you my dear husband.”

Husband was surprised to see this. Husband couldn’t understand what happened.

When wife came back he asked, “What happened last night?”

Wife smiled and said, “Yesterday night when i pulled you to bed and tried to remove you boots and shirt… You were dead drunk and said.. Hey lady!! Leave me alone. I am married.”

More Husband Wife Stories: Regrets in Life – Husband Wife Fight Story

Search Keywords: Search of Perfect Life Partner Moral Stories, Short Funny Story for Husband Wife

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