Saint Lesson to Man – Words Matters or Not?

Saint Lesson to Man - Words Matters or NotOnce a saint was giving a discourse. Everyone was listening attentively.

Suddenly a person stood up and said, “What is there in words? Words doesn’t matter.”

Saint tried to make him understand about importance of words, but person kept giving illogical arguments.

Then suddenly saint said to that man, “You are a fool, you have no understanding. Only fools and worthless people like you say such things.”

Hearing this insult in full gathering, that man became furious and said, “Such words do not suit mouth of great Saint like you. I am very much hurt by your words.”

Hearing this, Saint started laughing.

Everyone present there was surprised to see this.

Then Saint laughingly said to that man, “What i said were just words. What is there in words? I didn’t throw any stone at you, why you got so angry?”

Just then, that man subsided, and he apologized to saint.

Along with that person, all listeners present in that gathering also understood that – When abusive words can cause Anger, then why cannot sweet words get blessings? Why cannot sweet words awaken feeling of devotion in heart of a person?

Words have power. On one hand words can bring out disorders present in heart. On other hand, it can also bring out the feeling of devotion present in heart. It depends on us that what kind of words we use.

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