Problems in Life – Hundred Camels Story…!!

Problems in Life Story - Hundred Camels Deep Meaning Motivational StoryIn district of Rajasthan lived a man who was always troubled by one or other problem and was not happy with his life.

One day, he got to know that a saint with his convoy has come to city. Man decided to go to saint. In evening he went to his place and after waiting for a while, he got to meet saint.

He said, “Baba, i am very unhappy with my life. I am surrounded by problem all the time… office tension, health problem, problems at home… Please tell me a way so that my all problem ends and i can live a peaceful and happy life.”

Saint smiled and said, “Son, I will give you a solution tomorrow morning.. but meanwhile can you do me a small job of mine?”

Man agreed.

Saint continued, “There are hundred camels in our convey.. I want that tonight you take care of them.. When all hundred camels sit down, then you too go to sleep.”

Saying this Saint went to his tent and man went to look after camel for night.

Next morning Saint went to man and asked, “Son, did you have good sleep last night??”

Man became sad and replied, “Baba, i couldn’t even sleep for a moment. I tried a lot but i couldn’t get all camels to sit together at a time. Some sat down themselves but some wouldn’t sit even if i try and if one sit other gets up on other side.”

Saint smiled and said, “If am not wrong, this is what happened last night??

1. There were many camels who sat themselves at night.
2. Many others sat because of your efforts.
3. Others didn’t sit even after trying to make them sit… and then later you found that some of them sat themselves with time..

Man replied, “Yes.. Yes..!!”

Saint continued, “Now, do you understood something?? Problems in our life are just like that..

1. Some will solve themselves.
2. Some will be solved with your efforts
3. Some will not be solved even with efforts.. leave these problems on time.. They will solve at right time by themselves..

Last night you experienced that no matter how much you try but you can’t get all camels to sit at same time. If you make one camel sit then other will be standing somewhere else..

In the same way if you solve a problem then you will see another problem standing there. It’s life. Problems are part of life, sometimes it’s less and sometime there are too many problems.

Happiness and misery are only confusion.. Problems are part of life, but this doesn’t mean that you keep thinking about them… You keep them aside and keep moving forward… learn to grow towards the purpose of life (self-realization)..!!

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Keywords: Problems in Life Story – Hundred Camels Deep Meaning Motivational Story, Interesting Short Story, Whats True Goal of Life Story

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